Enhancing Gnuradio Doxygen Generated Official Documentation

On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 11:15:21AM -0800, Firas A. wrote:

modified one (main_page.dox was not modified) are :


Best Regards,


Firas, I’ve applied a minor variation on your patches to the trunk as
of r7445. I may have inadvertantly changed some of the EXCLUDE stuff,
please feel free to send patches as you see fit.

Everyone, these changes allow doxygen to generate unified output
that includes both the C++ classes and the Python classes. There’s
still plenty of work to be done, but this is a great start.

For those who would like to help clean up the doxygen generated
documentation, the easiest way is to submit patches against the trunk.
To do that, check out the svn trunk:

$ svn co http://gnuradio.org/svn/gnuradio/trunk

and bootstrap and configure

$ cd trunk
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --enable-doxygen # be sure to use this, otherwise no
$ make

When it’s done, point your browser at


Look at the output, edit to your heart’s content, and repeat until
docs are improved :wink:

When you’re happy, generate a patch using

$ svn diff > my_doc_fixes.patch

Be sure to look through the patch to ensure that it only contains
things that you mean to go in. Then mail the patch file to
[email protected]. You’ll have to subscribe first.

Looking forward to seeing our improved docs!


Hi Eric,

kindly, I have a question about the possibility to make the
changes to svn source files.
Let us suppose that I started today to do the new documentation with rev
4796. And let us assume that I will finish the documentation in 15 days.

What may be happen in these 15 days, is that the files that has been
with a new documentation could be changed by the daily continuous
process. And in these 15 days, we may found our selfs have to download
new files and add to them the new documentation and this may never end.

I think we should upload daily the documentation changes to the truck
not to wait until all has been finished.

Best Regards,


Eric B. wrote:

of r7445. I may have inadvertantly changed some of the EXCLUDE stuff,
$ svn co http://gnuradio.org/svn/gnuradio/trunk

things that you mean to go in. Then mail the patch file to
Discuss-gnuradio Info Page

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On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 11:42:50AM -0800, Firas A. wrote:

Hi Eric,

kindly, I have a question about the possibility to make the
documentation changes to svn source files. Let us suppose that I
started today to do the new documentation with rev 4796. And let us
assume that I will finish the documentation in 15 days.

Firas (and everybody else!),

I’d prefer that you send us lots of relatively small changes, instead
of one big change in 15 days. This allows one of the committers to
take a quick look at the patch and apply it. Smaller patches take
less review from us, and are more likely to get applied right away.
This is the way we manage the software too.

Here’s how to do it:

  • check out the trunk

  • edit the header file documentation or python doc strings, or

  • when you’re happy with your changes send the output of

    $ svn diff

to patch-gnuradio.

One of the committers will review the patch and if it looks good will
apply it to the trunk or will suggest changes.

Then you can update your copy of the trunk, and continue working. To
pipeline this process, checkout a new copy of the trunk in a different
directory and start working on your second set of changes in there.
Then when you send the diff, it’ll be for the new changes only.

After we’ve seen a series of good patches from you that apply cleanly,
and follow our conventions, we can talk about getting you write
access to the repo.

Thanks again for your commitment to improving GNU Radio!
