I put the following code at the end of my index.rhtml:
<%= form_tag :action => ‘reverse’ %>
<%= end_form_tag %>
and I get the following code generated:
... no tag
I’ve checked in ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper and the
“end_form_tag” seems to be defined properly.
Any suggestions as to what to look for to figure this one out?
I don’t know why it isn’t showing up but I do know that <%=
end_form_tag %> has been depreciated. Just use instead.
try putting something in your form. i’d guess rails reduces empty tags
to non-closing tags ending with />
hope that helps
g phil
Jon Seidel wrote:
I put the following code at the end of my index.rhtml:
<%= form_tag :action => ‘reverse’ %>
<%= end_form_tag %>
and I get the following code generated:
... no tag
I’ve checked in ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper and the
“end_form_tag” seems to be defined properly.
Any suggestions as to what to look for to figure this one out?
Philipp H. wrote:
try putting something in your form. i’d guess rails reduces empty tags
to non-closing tags ending with />
Perfect… that was the ticket; and when you pointed it out, I finally
saw the closing /> on the original form tag itself.
Thanks much!