Encoding system

Hi ,

By default encoding system is UTF-8 for ROR request and ajax request.

How to change the encoding for this both type of request?


It seems ROR is not made for non-english speaker :slight_smile:

2008/3/15, jef [email protected]:

It seems ROR is not made for non-english speaker :slight_smile:

What’s wrong with UTF-8? It encodes all Unicode code points.

non-English speaking RoR user

because many librairies don’t support UTF-8 (ex pdf-writer; RFPDF,

Further more it’s difficult to built back office application with
techno such as VB, MS ACCESS etc via Mysql/ODBC driver (don’t
support .
I can’t export data in csv format; Because Excel french version uses
Latin1 characterset by default. Accentued character wich are utf-8
encoded are not diplayed properly by Excel.

To my opinion Latin1 encoding suits better to French ( or other latin
languages) IT system.

On 15 mar, 13:51, “Stefan L.” [email protected]