Encoded Columns and ActiveRecord

Hi all,

I am trying store IP addresses in a database. In my old PHP days when I
wrote the SQL i used the INET_ATON and INET_NTOA functions in MySQL to
to the conversions of the address when I inserted or pulled the rows
from the database. I would like to do something similar with my
ActiveRecord model in Rails as storing the IP as an integer is much more
efficient than in its dot format.

My question is how do I do it? Is there a way for me to setup my model
so that whenever it saves it converts the stored IP and when it finds a
record it automatically converts it back to the dot format? Is there a
way I can use the MySQL functions? Or could I just always keep it in
the integer state, but have accessors in the class convert it when I
access it?



On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 22:47 +0200, Peer A. wrote:

My question is how do I do it? Is there a way for me to setup my model
so that whenever it saves it converts the stored IP and when it finds a
record it automatically converts it back to the dot format? Is there a
way I can use the MySQL functions? Or could I just always keep it in
the integer state, but have accessors in the class convert it when I
access it?

Yow, no. Wait, yes. You could use a activerecord callback for
before_save to change the IP before writing to the database:


but there is no callback for retrieval. Ahha, but we can just overwrite
the method in the model:

def ip
self.ip.gsub /2/, ‘3’

Would replace 2s with 3s.

But really, why not just store it as a string? Why do you want to store
it as a number? It isn’t a number, it’s an IP.

Good luck!

Matthew B. :: 607 227 0871
Resume & Portfolio @ http://madhatted.com

Hi Matthew,

Here are some of the reasons why I want to store the IP a a number:


The table that I will be using will be getting large (a similar system
we have right now is growing at about 1 million records a month) and
using 4 bytes instead of 15 will really add up over time. (Yes, I know
how cheap storage is nowadays, but I would like to avoid the adventure
of a full drives as long as possible, been there done that!)

I was looking to see if there was a way if I could mimic the “serialize”
functionality, but I’m afraid I am going to have to study ActiveRecord a
lot more first.


Matthew B. wrote:

On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 22:47 +0200, Peer A. wrote:

My question is how do I do it? Is there a way for me to setup my model
so that whenever it saves it converts the stored IP and when it finds a
record it automatically converts it back to the dot format? Is there a
way I can use the MySQL functions? Or could I just always keep it in
the integer state, but have accessors in the class convert it when I
access it?

Yow, no. Wait, yes. You could use a activerecord callback for
before_save to change the IP before writing to the database:


but there is no callback for retrieval. Ahha, but we can just overwrite
the method in the model:

def ip
self.ip.gsub /2/, ‘3’

Would replace 2s with 3s.

But really, why not just store it as a string? Why do you want to store
it as a number? It isn’t a number, it’s an IP.

Good luck!

Matthew B. :: 607 227 0871
Resume & Portfolio @ http://madhatted.com

require ‘ipaddr’


IPAddr.new(“”).to_i # => 3232235530


IPAddr.new(3232235530, Socket::AF_INET).to_s # => “”


  • H

On 6/2/07, Peer A. [email protected] wrote:

using 4 bytes instead of 15 will really add up over time. (Yes, I know

On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 22:47 +0200, Peer A. wrote:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Husein C.
Yucca Intelligence Development

Hi Peer,

You can store the IP as an integer in the database and convert to and
from a string using Ruby. Check out this class:


This seems to work:

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base

require ‘IPAddr’

def self.find_by_ip(value)
find :first, :conditions => {:ip => IPAddr.new(value).to_i}

Convert from integer - IPAddr doesn’t seem to have this method

def ip
[read_attribute(:ip)].pack(“N”).unpack(“C*”).join “.”

def ip=(value)
write_attribute(:ip, IPAddr.new(value).to_i)


Hope this helps.


Thanks Husein,

I think I will combining all the suggestions I have received on this
thread so that I end up with something like this:

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base

require ‘IPAddr’
before_save :convert_ip

def self.find_by_ip(value)
find :first, :conditions => {:ip => IPAddr.new(value).to_i}

def ip
IPAddr.new(read_attribute(:ip), Socket::AF_INET).to_s

def ip=(value)
write_attribute(:ip, IPAddr.new(value).to_i)

def convert_ip
if read_attribute(:ip) =~ /^(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})?$/
write_attribute(:ip, IPAddr.new(read_attribute(:ip)).to_i)


I just whipped this up so I obviously have not tested it in any way.


Husein C. wrote:

require ‘ipaddr’


IPAddr.new(“”).to_i # => 3232235530


IPAddr.new(3232235530, Socket::AF_INET).to_s # => “”


  • H

On 6/2/07, Peer A. [email protected] wrote:

using 4 bytes instead of 15 will really add up over time. (Yes, I know

On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 22:47 +0200, Peer A. wrote:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Husein C.
Yucca Intelligence Development