Josep Pujol wrote:
I would like to know if the problem with embedding ruby is that there
are global variables and also because of the stack.
If this is the case, can I assume that it is safe to use the ruby engine
if I initialize it in the main process, before any thread is launched in
my C++ application (so the stack is in the lower position) and I use
mutex to prevent more than one run at any time (for the global
We embed ruby 1.8.x in a C++ app on Windows / OS X.
In our case, we run Ruby in a separate thread. Only trick was that
the stack size of threads other than the main thread may be small by
default. And we use boost threads. So I had to modify boost to
create the thread with a large enough stack:
// boost/libs/thread/src/thread/cpp
const size_t THREAD_STACK_SIZE_BYTES = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int res = 0;
res = pthread_attr_init(&tattr);
if (res != 0)
throw thread_resource_error();
res = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&tattr, THREAD_STACK_SIZE_BYTES);
if (res != 0)
throw thread_resource_error();
res = pthread_create(&m_thread, &tattr, &thread_proxy, ¶m);
(void) pthread_attr_destroy(&tattr);
if (res != 0)
throw thread_resource_error();
When Ruby code wants to call into the C++ side of the app, it’s easy,
we just wrap whatever functionality from the app in a Ruby class, as
one would do with any ruby ‘C’ extension.
In the other direction, when an arbitrary C++ thread wants to talk to
Ruby, it’s a little more complicated.
I’ve set up a queueing approach, where a C++ thread can create a
“RubyContext” object, and throw eval’s at it. Like:
RubyContext r;
std::string result = r.eval("…some_ruby_code…");
It works out pretty well.
I haven’t tried embedding ruby 1.9.x yet.