Email Form for Contact Page

Can anyone point me to or provide me with code or a tutorial (preferably
a tutorial) for creating simple contact forms where the data is sent
over email to a specific email address. I have search all over the
internet and there doesn’t see to be anything anywhere.

Thanks In Advance,

You can try this link:

It uses Ajax too.


Digital P. wrote:

Can anyone point me to or provide me with code or a tutorial (preferably
a tutorial) for creating simple contact forms where the data is sent
over email to a specific email address. I have search all over the
internet and there doesn’t see to be anything anywhere.

Thanks In Advance,


That was sort of what I was looking for, useful for the AJAX but I need
the RoR code that connects to the ActionMailer and actually sends the
formatted email to my email address. I should have been more specific in
my first post.

Thanks Again,

Digital P. wrote:


That was sort of what I was looking for, useful for the AJAX but I need
the RoR code that connects to the ActionMailer and actually sends the
formatted email to my email address. I should have been more specific in
my first post.

Thanks Again,

Hi Alex,

There are several steps for ActionMailer and to some degree I hope I can
help you.

First, environment.rb:

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = {
:address => ‘’, # replace with your SMTP
:port => 80, # replace with your SMTP server’s port

:domain => “”,

	:authentication => :login,
	:user_name => "[email protected]",
	:password  => "yourpassword"


ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = “utf-8”

Next, you need a model for mailing. Call it ContactMailer.rb or
something like that.

First line: class ContactMailer < ActionMailer::Base

This allows it to inherit from ActionMailer.

Then, in that file, create a function for your stuff: E.G.

def customer_notification(contact, sent_at =
@subject = “Your custom subject”
@body[“contact”] = contact
@recipients = @contact.email_address
@from = “Admin or Whatever [email protected]
@sent_on = sent_at
@headers = {}

Then, you need a view (contact_mailer) to format the email. I have done
this with plain text, xml and html. As per this example, create an
rhtml file called customer_notification.rhtml. The file will look
something like this:


Contact Name: <%= @contact.first_name %>



Finally, in your controller that gets the contact form submitted to, do
something like this in the action:

email = ContactMailer.create_customer_notification(@contact)

Whew…I hope this helps. I sure hope I answered your question! :slight_smile:
Or did I miss the request all together?


mmodica at cox dot net


That’s brilliant, just what I was looking for thanks. I will get
straight on to implementing it.

Thanks Again,

I have worked my way through adapting the large example above. So far I
have got;

My environment.rb all set up (I think I got that bit right), all the
above environment.rb code customized and placed at the very end of the
file, not between the ‘ do |config|’ and ‘end’

In the main view for ‘Contact’:

<%= start_form_tag :action=> “send_mail” %>

            <!-- Change this to a text box once I know it is working 


	<td><%= text_field "email", "body", :size => 30 %></td>
Name: <%= text_field "email", "name", :size => 30 %>
Email Address: <%= text_field "email", "address", :size => 30 %>
Subject: <%= text_field "email", "subject", :size => 30 %>

<%= end_form_tag %>

In the controller for ‘Contact’:

class ContactController < ApplicationController
layout ‘blog’
def index
render :action => ‘main’

def send_mail
email = Contact.create_mail(@params[:email])

In the model for ‘Contact’:

class Contact < ActionMailer::Base
def mail(email_params, sent_at =
@subject = email_params[:subject]
@body[“email_params”] = email_params
@recipients = “[email protected]
@from = email_params[:name] + " <" + email_params[:address] + “>”
@sent_on = sent_at
@headers = {}

The problem occurs in the the view for mail (mail.rhtml), so far it
looks like this:

<%= email_params[:body] %>

I have tried so many different combinations of variables in the model
and the view but I just get the error:

undefined local variable or method `email_params’ for
#ActionView::Base:0xb759aeec (or other ones to do with nil arrays
depending what I try).

I can’t work out how to pass the body of the email to the view at all. I
believe this is the only thing left causing an error as things like:
email_params[:subject] do not produce an error so I assume I’ve got that

At quick glance, try:

<%= @email_params[:body] %>

instead of:

<%= email_params[:body] %>


I tried that and it didn’t work so I re-wrote everything, going through
what you said more carefully and using elements of the ActionMailer Wiki
entry on the Ruby on Rails website (which I didn’t understand before but
linked with your example I do now) and everything is working as it

Thanks For All Your Help,