
What is the best mode for Rails in Emacs ?

I have “emacs-rails” but it seems not updated to support rails 3.

Thank you for your suggestion.


I’m using rinari and it works for me.

nellinux wrote in post #985959:

What is the best mode for Rails in Emacs ?
I have “emacs-rails” but it seems not updated to support rails 3.

Heh - I didn’t know there was an emacs-rails mode until your query –
thank you for that. Poking around, I found:

GitHub - dmexe/emacs-rails-reloaded: Minor mode for editing RubyOnRails code in Emacs

Reading the revision history, it knows about bundles, etc. Perhaps this
would help? Then again, there’s also rinari, which appears to be

GitHub - eschulte/rinari: Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE (it is an Emacs minor mode for Rails)

  • ff

also check out the group for it…



thank you to all :slight_smile:

I have jast installed rinari (from ELPA) and now I’m starting to play
with it.
