*From Chris P., Learn to Program
Hey All –
In the below source code they array is called in the method as x, y,
but the “if” statements are looking to [y][x]. Can anyone explain to
me why they are switched? If you make them [x][y] it still outputs
the correct number (23).
Thanks in advance,
Start of Example
These are just to make the map
easier for me to read. “M” is
visually more dense than “o”.
M = ’ land ’
o = ’ water ’
world = [[o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o],
def continent_size world, x, y
if x > 10 && y > 10
size = 0
if world[x][y] != ’ land ’
return 0
Either it ’ s water or we already
counted it, but either way, we don ’ t
want to count it now.
So first we count this tile…
size = 1
world[x][y] = ’ counted land ’
…then we count all of the
neighboring eight tiles (and,
of course, their neighbors by
way of the recursion).
size = size + continent_size(world, x-1, y-1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x , y-1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x+1, y-1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x-1, y )
size = size + continent_size(world, x+1, y )
size = size + continent_size(world, x-1, y+1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x , y+1)
size = size + continent_size(world, x+1, y+1)
puts continent_size(world, 5, 5)