Editing the migration template

Hi. I’d like to edit the generated template in AR where tables are

for example, this file is created when generating a new model or

class CreateModel < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :models do |t|
# t.column :type,

I’d like to edit the above so it’ll generate this:

class CreateModel < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :models do |t|
# t.column :type, :limit => , :null => false

Can someone point me in the right direction?

I appriciate it.


To myself.

That’s easy:


Dominic S. wrote:

Hi. I’d like to edit the generated template in AR where tables are

for example, this file is created when generating a new model or

class CreateModel < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :models do |t|
# t.column :type,

I’d like to edit the above so it’ll generate this:

class CreateModel < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :models do |t|
# t.column :type, :limit => , :null => false

Can someone point me in the right direction?

I appriciate it.


Hello Dominic

def self.up
create_table :models do |t|
# t.column :type, :limit => , :null => false

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Don’t modify files in Rails gems directory, it’s ugly !

Write your own generator, it is also easy.
The template you want to change is

so you have to make your own model generator, a slightly modified
version :

go to your Rails Root app.
cd lib
mkdir generators
cd generators
cp -Rv PATH_TO_RAILS/lib/rails_generator/generators/components/model/ .
mv model my_model
cd my_model
mv model_generator my_model_generator
(modify templates/migration.rb or any other templates files if you like)

So your my_model generator is in RAILS_ROOT/lib/generators
and you just have to do a :

script/generate my_model Foo

that you generated files exactly as you want.

Note that if you want your another rails apps to benefit from that
put it instead in ~/.rails/generators

If you upgrade Rails, it will still work (provided Generator API isn’t
changed !)


Ã? la renverse.