Edit related record

There’s a one-to-one relation between the base model “item” and the
associated model “page,” but the page table is empty and the structure
seems wrong (no fk):

mysql> describe rss2mysql.pages;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| html | text | YES | | NULL | |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> Aborted

It’s necessary to use “through” so that the pages table will hold the fk
for the id of the “item” to which a given page is associated with?

More importantly, how do you forge the link between a specific item
the page of which it has_one? If it already has a page, probably I
want nothing done. However, if it doesn’t yet have a page, then I want
to do something like:

page = Page.new
page = f.readlines.join
#somehow connect this page to the id of the current item

except that every example I see (of a rails controller) is using
variables, and, presumably, using rails magic to establish the link
between objects.

thufir@ARRAKIS:~/projects/rss2mysql$ nl item.rb
1 require ‘rubygems’
2 require ‘activerecord’

 3  class Item <  ActiveRecord::Base
 4    has_one                 :page
 5  end

thufir@ARRAKIS:~/projects/rss2mysql$ nl page.rb
1 require ‘rubygems’
2 require ‘activerecord’

 3  class Page <  ActiveRecord::Base
 4    belongs_to              :item
 5  end

thufir@ARRAKIS:~/projects/rss2mysql$ nl scrape.rb
1 require ‘rubygems’
2 require ‘activerecord’
3 require ‘yaml’
4 require ‘item’
5 require ‘open-uri’
6 require ‘pp’

 7  db = YAML::load(File.open('database.yml'))

 8  ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(
 9  :adapter  => db["development"]["adapter"],
10  :host   => db["development"]["host"],
11  :username => db["development"]["username"],
12  :password => db["development"]["password"],
13  :database => db["development"]["database"])

14  items = Item.find(:all)

15  items.each do |item|
16    open(item.url,
17    "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US;

rv: Gecko/2009102815 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.15"){|f|

18      #@item.page = @page   ?why use instance vars?

19      item.page.html = f.readlines.join
20      item.save}
21  end


