Edge rails

Hi guys!

I’ve been playing a bit around with rails, and there are a few things I
like, and a few I don’t. Don’t really care about that. I gotta use the
right tool for each job, isn’t it?

Now… it seems like there’s quite a bit of hype around the upcoming
rails 2.0. Would anyone tell me to use edge rails to develop, or should
I stick with 1.2.3 until 2.0 is out? What’s the intended path? With
Django, I’ve been using the trunk for quite some time, and it’s stable,
and way ahead of the “official” releases. Is this the case with rails?

In that sense, where do I get more to know about edge rails? I’ve been
reading at dev.rubyonrails.org and all there is goes about contributing
to rails. It’s still a bit early for the to do that :slight_smile: I just wanna peek
at the new stuff.

~ Chris

In that sense, where do I get more to know about edge rails? I’ve been
reading at dev.rubyonrails.org and all there is goes about contributing
to rails. It’s still a bit early for the to do that :slight_smile: I just wanna peek
at the new stuff.

Seems to be suggested for this quite a bit…

Now… it seems like there’s quite a bit of hype around the upcoming
rails 2.0. Would anyone tell me to use edge rails to develop, or should
I stick with 1.2.3 until 2.0 is out? What’s the intended path? With
Django, I’ve been using the trunk for quite some time, and it’s stable,
and way ahead of the “official” releases. Is this the case with rails?

I’d recommend using the 2.0 preview release for new developments
starting now. You can read more about it here:
Ruby on Rails — Rails 2.0: Preview Release.

Rails 2.0 is pretty close.