(edge nubie q) what revision of edge rails to use?

I have just moved to the edge. No more old gem installed
rails for me.

Ok this brings me to my new question. Ive just used freeze to install
edge rails revision 5166. Is this a common practise, to install the

Im considering stability, do edge users tend to use a slightly
older revision eg non bleading edge ?

How do you find out the best version to install ?

Adam M. wrote:

I have just moved to the edge. No more old gem installed
rails for me.

Ok this brings me to my new question. Ive just used freeze to install
edge rails revision 5166. Is this a common practise, to install the

Im considering stability, do edge users tend to use a slightly
older revision eg non bleading edge ?

How do you find out the best version to install ?

If you need stability, stick with the gems. Edge is, almost by
definition, bleeding.


Alan F. wrote:

Adam M. wrote:

I have just moved to the edge. No more old gem installed
rails for me.

Ok this brings me to my new question. Ive just used freeze to install
edge rails revision 5166. Is this a common practise, to install the

Im considering stability, do edge users tend to use a slightly
older revision eg non bleading edge ?

How do you find out the best version to install ?

If you need stability, stick with the gems. Edge is, almost by
definition, bleeding.


I was under the impression that bleeding edge was the lastest release
while a few versions back was just considered edge. Sorry for the
semantics, i just want to understand this.

I have to use edge rails to get the restful features. I tried and failed
to get the simply_restful plugin to work. It kept throwing errors about
initialisation when i tried to use the generators or start the server.

So if i am to ue edge rails, what version is best for just the restful

Basically i would like to know if those who need edge rails to be as
stable as possible, what version do they use and what do they base that
decision on ?


Ezra Z. wrote:

On Sep 22, 2006, at 2:15 PM, Adam M. wrote:


So if i am to ue edge rails, what version is best for just the restful

Basically i would like to know if those who need edge rails to be as
stable as possible, what version do they use and what do they base
decision on ?


If you are going to use edge rails, you pretty much just do rake
rails:freeze:edge and your done. It will just grab the latest trunk
from the rails svn repo. I am running on edge frozen two days ago.
Usually you can just freeze edge and then if it all works for you ,
you just leave it frozen until you need to upgrade it to get a new

thanks for the reply.

One last question, is there a place that lists revision milestones. eg
this function added at this date ?


On Sep 22, 2006, at 2:15 PM, Adam M. wrote:


So if i am to ue edge rails, what version is best for just the restful

Basically i would like to know if those who need edge rails to be as
stable as possible, what version do they use and what do they base
decision on ?


If you are going to use edge rails, you pretty much just do rake

rails:freeze:edge and your done. It will just grab the latest trunk
from the rails svn repo. I am running on edge frozen two days ago.
Usually you can just freeze edge and then if it all works for you ,
you just leave it frozen until you need to upgrade it to get a new


Adam M. wrote:

Basically i would like to know if those who need edge rails to be as
Usually you can just freeze edge and then if it all works for you ,

You can subscribe to the Trac RSS feed for revisions to
Also work subscribing to Ryan’s Scraps
(Page not found) – he’s pretty hot on
describing latest edge features.