Anybody having issues with the echo_location (and echo_location_async)
directive? I have tried to get this to work with v1.1.18 and v1.3.6,
they both exhibit the same behavior. Basically, only the output from
/main block is echo’d out.
My nginx config (basically a copy-and-paste) from the echo module’s
Hmm, works for me as expected after removing the “GET” at
“echo_location_async”, using Nginx 1.3.6 and
agentzh-echo-nginx-module-d3eb42d (version 0.41). But even with the
“GET” which will fail the /sub1 subrequest (status 404), you should
still see the output of the 404 page (as a result of the /sub1
subrequest), the output of /sub2 plus the one of /main.
I think you really mean “echo_subrequest_async” here? The
echo_location_async directive does not take a request method as its
first argument, so the “GET” argument above will be interpreted as the
subrequest URI (and “/sub1” will be taken as the querystring), which
is surely not what you want See the documentation for details: