well that returns to me only articles that belong to whatever the user
selected in city.
now is it possible to search the grandparent?
for example
class country
has_many states
class states
has_many cities
belongs_to country
class city
belongs_to states
i would like to search articles that only belong to a country.
something like…
On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 12:51:28AM +0100, koloa wrote:
for example
i would like to search articles that only belong to a country.
something like…
you’ll have to index state and country whith each article, through
indexed methods. there are plenty of examples of how to do this in the
webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH www.webit.de
Dipl.-Wirtschaftsingenieur Jens Krämer [email protected]
Schnorrstraße 76 Tel +49 351 46766 0
D-01069 Dresden Fax +49 351 46766 66
Hello Jens thanks for the help, however something is still not quite
right with my code.
my view
Howto.find_by_contents("#{srchstring} +main_category:#{category}")
howto class
belongs_to :scategory
acts_as_ferret :field=>[“title”, “setup”, :main_category]
def main_category
when i did a manual ‘get a howto’ object and executed the function
main_category on it, the main category was returned correctly. i think
right now, the problem is the :main_category is not getting indexed.
whats odd is that on my console print out screen, all the attributes for
my model howto are getting indexed, not just the ones i specify. is this
this is what gets printed out to the console, i dont see anything for
creating doc for class: Howto, id: 1
Adding field linktosite with value ‘none’ to index
Adding field user_id with value ‘1’ to index
Adding field title with value ‘how to cook a steak chips’ to index
Adding field created_at with value ‘Tue Dec 12 00:00:00 EST 2006’ to
Adding field scategory_id with value ‘1’ to index
Adding field setup with value ‘pan, oil, salt, etc…’ to index
Adding field howto with value ‘boisdv oios oisdj vojv ojsdo voisjdv oij
oisdvoi jv joi dsjvio jsvdoi j’ to index