Tagging is being widely used and there are plugins to help you out. This
The problem I’m facing is that people are using singular and plural
names to
tag something. For example an event about movie can be tagged as “movie”
“movies”. Same goes for “jobs” or “job”.
I like the delicious interface where when you type “de” then you are
prompted with options like “design” or “designer”. This mean the users
less likely to have “designs”.
Is there an easy way to implement something like this. If the user has
“mo” then show only one option “movie” and in this way “movies” is
likely to
be used as a tag.
Yes Delicious does provide auto complete feature for tags, but if you
observe carefully, they would autocomplete a tag only if that has
been added by you earlier. what I mean here is that tags added by other
users are not available to you during auto-complete feature.
This delicious feature can easily be implemented by using scriptaculous
complete feature (look for demos at http://demo.script.aculo.us/) .
There is a plugin called acts_as_taggable which can be used ( http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/ActsAsTaggablePluginHowto) to
achieve tagging functionality, I haven’t used it thought.
Showing tags added by other users during auto completion needs some
Is there an easy way to implement something like this. If the user has typed
“mo” then show only one option “movie” and in this way “movies” is likely to
be used as a tag.
Any thoughts.
One could argue that a tag holds multiple things so like tables should
perhaps be pluralized… but I’m nit picking
Perhaps use the pluralize() and singularize() methods to convert user’s
input so they are consistent? So if I type in “jobs” and hit save,
convert that to “job” for me.
One could argue that a tag holds multiple things so like tables should
perhaps be pluralized… but I’m nit picking
Perhaps use the pluralize() and singularize() methods to convert user’s
input so they are consistent? So if I type in “jobs” and hit save,
convert that to “job” for me.
Note that singularizing an already singular word can change the word
(e.g. Business). Same thing for pluralizing a plural word (e.g.
Data). If you don’t know if the input is singular or plural, you
can’t reliably use .singularize or .pluralize. This bit me as a
plugin author.
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