I have been trying to eager load associations based on some scope in
my rails3 app, but could not find any solution.
My app has following models:
class Project
has_many :entries
has_many :to_dos
class ToDo
has_may :entries
has_many :tasks
belongs_to :project
class Task
has_many :entries
belongs_to :to_do
class Entry
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :to_do
belongs_to :task
# options format:
{:from_date=>(Date.today-1.week), :to_date=>(Date.today
+1.week), :user_id=>60}
scope :filtered_list, lambda { |options|
condition = options[:user_id].nil? ? “true” : “user_id =
condition += options[:from_date].nil? ? “” : " AND entry_date >=
condition += options[:to_date].nil? ? “” : " AND entry_date <=
And in projects#index i have following code to get all projects of an
@projects = current_user.projects.includes(:entries, :to_dos
=>[:entries, :tasks => :entries])
It fetches all projects of the user, along with eager loading the
associations. So when i perform following loop to get all the entries
within the project, no new query gets fired.
def all_entries(options)
entries = self.entries
self.to_dos.each do |d|
entries += d.entries
d.tasks.each do |t|
entries += t.entries
As this eager loading fetches all entries, it is way too much data
than what I actually needed. So I tried to apply some conditions to
the entries eager loaded, but could not find any solution. I was
looking for something like:
@projects =
current_user.projects.includes(:entries.filtered_list(options), :to_dos
=>[:entries.filtered_list(options), :tasks
=> :entries.filtered_list(options)])
So that only the entries satisfying some conditions get loaded.
Can’t we use scoping with eager loading?
Please help me out use eagerloading alongside scoping.