I’ve got the following associations:
class Photo < AR::Base
has_many :slides
has_many :albums, :through => :slides
this has an attachment_fu attachment which creates a thumbnail
image for each uploaded photo.
class Album < AR::Base
has_many :slides
has_many :photos, :through => :slides
class Slide < AR::Base
belongs_to :photo
belongs_to :album
In my Photos#index action I render all thumbnails and list the albums
that the photos belong to. I’m using attachment_fu, the parent image
is the one with the slide and album association, the thumbnail image
does not have that association.
The index action is hitting the database to load all albums that
belong to a photo, how can I cut that down to one query for eager
Currently I’m doing:
Photo.find(:all, :include => :parent, :conditions [‘thumbnail = ?’,
but I can’t figure out how to eager-load the albums, through slides,
based on the parent photo (since the thumbnail doesn’t have any
associated slides or albums.)
Thanks for any help,