Each print <br> after a few iterations

I want to generate a table of images, something like:

So I’ve to put a
after 3 iterations, how should I do this?

I could make a counter initialize it on zero, increment its value and
check it for “mod3=0”, but I think there might be a better way to do it
in ruby?

I’ve something like:

<% @games.each do |game| %>

<%= link_to image_tag(game.image.url), game %>

<% end %>


in ruby?

I’ve something like:

<% @games.each do |game| %>

<%= link_to image_tag(game.image.url), game %>

<% end %>

Couple of options… you could do each_with_index and then print a

if i % 3 == 0. You might not get a
on the last line though.

Or you could use in_groups_of which is meant for this sort of thing.
