I’m having some troubles today with Ruby…
I do
@league = League.find(params[:id], :include => [ :teams, :games ])
@league.teams.each do |t|
and it goes 2 times through the teams list ??? even if
@league.teams.size = 2.
Does anyone have a clue where it can come from??
Thank you for you help,
Sure there should be something about it because there’s 2 teams per
But Teams belongs to League and Games belongs to 2 Teams. But since
there a direct link between Team and League I didn’t expect the Games to
affect the Team list (I would have expected it the other way around with
2 times each games).
See below my models:
class League < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :teams
has_many :games, :through => :teams
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :club
belongs_to :league
has_many :games, :foreign_key => ‘team_a_id’
has_many :games, :foreign_key => ‘team_b_id’
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :team_a, :class_name => ‘Team’, :foreign_key=>‘team_a_id’
belongs_to :team_b, :class_name => ‘Team’, :foreign_key=>‘team_b_id’
Could the inclusion of the games records be multiplying the number of
teams that get returned maybe? Any difference if you take :games out of
that :include array there?
Huh–interesting, those two has_many :games calls in your Team class
there. Does that result in a single @my_team.games collection property
that gives the complete list of games, whether they were team_a or
team_b? My intuition is that the second call would sort of overwrite
the first & you wouldn’t see the games from the team_a_id link.
I tried to test this design out (I’m using rails 2.0.2) and that seems
to be what happens. Only one of the two teams I added to a game had
anything in its .games collection.
I’d be tempted to do something like this instead:
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :club
belongs_to :league
has_many :a_games, :class_name => ‘game’, :foreign_key =>
has_many :b_games, :class_name => ‘game’, :foreign_key =>
def games
# mash the two games collections together manually.
a_games + b_games
Not that any of this addresses your problem, necessarily…
Wow! Thank you for the help.
I came to the same conclusions as you that just the B team games
I didn’t know I do this “def games” definition … I was looking for
that 3 months ago! Thank you.
I used the .uniq function to clean multiple occurence of teams and
There probably is a better way to write the code below:
@games = []
listForTeams = @league.teams.uniq.dup
listForTeams.each do |t|
I I has to change part of my code to deal with team.games as a function
and not an association.
For example, a replaced:
h[:gameplayed] = @games.find(:all, :conditions => [“team_a_id = (?) OR
team_b_id = (?)”, t.id, t.id]).size()
gamesplayed = @games.select { |v| v.team_a_id == t.id || v.team_b_id ==
t.id }
h[:gamesplayed] = gamesplayed.size()
it works fine, I hope I’ll have no problem going to an Ajax table with
those data.
Thanks again for your time.