Hi everyone,
At GRCon13, we discussed the importance of policy and regulatory
aspects of spectrum and how it can impact GNU Radio as well as how we
could possibly impact it.
The IEEE DySPAN symposium is a great place for this and other
discussions related to dynamic spectrum access. I’ve chaired the
demonstrations section in the past and have been a member of the
technical program committee for most DySPANs. It’s one of the few
places where the technical and policy communities come together in an
open and academic forum to discuss these important issues.
I just wanted to let everyone know that they have extended the paper
deadline from Nov. 1 to Nov. 10 and demonstrations. Posters,
tutorials, and demonstrations are due Dec 1 (the original deadline).
The call for papers is here but the new deadline dates have not yet
been modified:
I’ve written about the symposium here:
I think that this community has a huge potential to impact the
thinking and direction of all aspects of future wireless technology
and policy, so I hope that you take this opportunity to get involved.