Dynamically referencing class constants?

How can I do this?

Socket.constants.each {|i|
puts Socket::#{i} ##does not work of course

Futile attempts:

irb(main):023:0> puts Socket::SEEK_CUR ##works of course, the rest
irb(main):029:0> puts Socket.new.SEEK_CUR
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 3)
from (irb):29:in initialize' from (irb):29:innew’
from (irb):29
irb(main):030:0> x = “SEEK_CUR”
irb(main):031:0> Socket::#{x}
irb(main):033:0* end
NoMethodError: undefined method end' for Socket:Class from (irb):33 irb(main):034:0> Socket::send("SEEK_CUR") NoMethodError: undefined methodSEEK_CUR’ for Socket:Class
from (irb):34:in `send’
from (irb):34

On 6/13/07, list. rb [email protected] wrote:

irb(main):023:0> puts Socket::SEEK_CUR ##works of course, the rest does
irb(main):033:0* end
NoMethodError: undefined method end' for Socket:Class from (irb):33 irb(main):034:0> Socket::send("SEEK_CUR") NoMethodError: undefined method SEEK_CUR’ for Socket:Class
from (irb):34:in `send’
from (irb):34


On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 10:16 +0900, list. rb wrote:

How can I do this?

Socket.constants.each {|i|
puts Socket::"#{i}" ##does not work of course

puts “Socket::#{i}”


Thanks alot

On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 10:26 +0900, Reid T. wrote:

On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 10:16 +0900, list. rb wrote:

How can I do this?

Socket.constants.each {|i|
puts Socket::"#{i}" ##does not work of course

puts “Socket::#{i}”

doh!!! sorry, missed the dereference…