Dynamically generate a field option from dropdown selection

Hi all,

I’m having a hard time trying to find a good tutorial on how to generate
a field (with ajax) from a dropdown selection.

For example:

I have an app where you can select up to two tickets per person. Only if
the user selects ‘2’ from the dropdown menu should a field pop
up/generate below the dropdown and ask the user for the name of the
second person.

So far I have the following code:

Number of Tickets?

<%= select :tickets, :quantity, { "Select quantity" => "", "1" => "1", "2" => "2"} %>

Name of guest?

<%= f.text_field :guest_name %>

So in my case, only if quantity is selected as two should guest_name
appear (without refreshing the page).

Thanks in advance and THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!

Best regards,

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Tony T.
<[email protected]


up/generate below the dropdown and ask the user for the name of the

So in my case, only if quantity is selected as two should guest_name
appear (without refreshing the page).

Thanks in advance and THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!

I was looking for an answer to much the same question not too long ago.
found all sorts of tutorials showing how to populate a 2nd drop down
based upon the contents of the first (such as
Ultimately, I was able to learn enough from reading those to learn that
your case) I would want to put a blank

tag in my layout where I
want the “name of guest” stuff to appear, and to populate the “name of
guest” stuff only when quantity == 2.

I hope this helps.


Patrick D. wrote:

Ultimately, I was able to learn enough from reading those to learn that
your case) I would want to put a blank

tag in my layout where I
want the “name of guest” stuff to appear, and to populate the “name of
guest” stuff only when quantity == 2.

I hope this helps.


Thanks for the tip Patrick.

I saw the article and I understand how it’s SUPPOSED to work. I also saw
a railscast about the same topic (dynamic drop down which fills a second
drop down). Unfortunately my javascript skills are not so great, so it’s
a challenge to make it work. I’m sure with some more time I’ll get it

If anyone else can offer some help I’d appreciate it. Thanks again!


I’ve just been doing something similar. This works, but might not be
as Railsy as it could be:

Number of Tickets?

<%= select :tickets, :quantity, {"1" => "1", "2" => "2"}, {:prompt => 'Select quantity...'}, {:onchange => "if(this.options [this.selectedIndex].value=='2') {Effect.BlindDown('guest_name', {duration: 0.5}); return false;} else {Effect.BlindUp('guest_name', {duration: 0.5}); return false;}"} %>

Name of guest?

<%= f.text_field :guest_name %>


  1. This is not using Ajax - it is using JavaScript to show and hide a
    div based on a selected value. You’re not fetching data, so why use
    Ajax to go to the server in this case?
  2. You need to have Scriptaculous installed to use the effects (good
    idea to give feedback to the user?). If you have <%=
    javascript_include_tag :defaults %> in the head of your html page then
    Scriptaculous is good to go.
  3. Even if the guest_name field is hidden, it will still be submitted,
    so test the value from your quantity select before saving the value
    from guest_name.
  4. I made a small change to your select to get your prompt (‘Select
    quantity’) to work correctly.
  5. Be careful with the formatting of the onchange part when copying
    the code here: there should be new lines before {Effect.BlindDown,
    else, and {Effect.BlindUp, but nowhere else.

Good luck.

On Jan 23, 3:13 am, Tony T. [email protected]

Tony T. wrote:

I even tried doing an
if statement in the div: <div id=“guest_name”<%= " style=‘hidden’" if
!@tickets.quantity == ‘2’ %>>

Okay, obviously there was a typo which when fixed ended up working.

style=“display:none;” not style=“hidden”.

Hope this helps someone.


On Jan 25, 11:45 am, Tony T. [email protected]

Thanks Chris! I was able to get it working!

You’re very welcome. I’ve received help here, so hope to give it when
I can. And while we’re talking about that, have we thanked the
wonderful Fred Cheung this week? Fred: you’re a gem.

Two issues I’m having with this implementation though:

First, if I go to edit the form, I can see the ‘2’ is selected but the
guest_name field is hidden until I select a different number of tickets
(I guess this activates/reloads the javascript). I even tried doing an
if statement in the div: <div id=“guest_name”<%= " style=‘hidden’" if
[email protected] == ‘2’ %>> which works (I can see this from the page
source). However, the div is ALWAYS visible, until I select a different
number of tickets and it acvtivates/reloads the javascript. Any ideas on
how to get this to work?

Good point about the div not being visible when editing the form. I’d
better go and check my own code…

Second, I ended up using a table structure for the form, wrapping the
DIV around the doesn’t work (the guest_name field is always
visible). I’m guessing this is a table structure issue so I need to take
a more in depth look.

I started off using tables for forms too, but was dissatisfied because
a table is supposed to be a way of showing tabular information (i.e.
rows of similar data) and most forms don’t fall in that category.
Tables are a pain when you want to do this kind of thing because of
some browser-specific issues (Internet Explorer…). There’s a
discussion on Rails Forum about using css (and not tables) to lay out
forms: http://railsforum.com/viewtopic.php?id=25297

HI every one I have a three dropdown list structure
in which first is country second is states and third is cities.States
populates correctly on the basis of country but city dosen’t.
what steps to be taken while doing it.
plz help me out

Chris B. wrote:

I’ve just been doing something similar. This works, but might not be
as Railsy as it could be:

Number of Tickets?

<%= select :tickets, :quantity, {"1" => "1", "2" => "2"}, {:prompt => 'Select quantity...'}, {:onchange => "if(this.options [this.selectedIndex].value=='2') {Effect.BlindDown('guest_name', {duration: 0.5}); return false;} else {Effect.BlindUp('guest_name', {duration: 0.5}); return false;}"} %>

Name of guest?

<%= f.text_field :guest_name %>

Thanks Chris! I was able to get it working!

You’re right about the Ajax not being needed, I’m just so used to
thinking that anything that “pops up” is ajax, even though it doesn’t
need to be a server request. Sorry about that.

Two issues I’m having with this implementation though:

First, if I go to edit the form, I can see the ‘2’ is selected but the
guest_name field is hidden until I select a different number of tickets
(I guess this activates/reloads the javascript). I even tried doing an
if statement in the div: <div id=“guest_name”<%= " style=‘hidden’" if
!@tickets.quantity == ‘2’ %>> which works (I can see this from the page
source). However, the div is ALWAYS visible, until I select a different
number of tickets and it acvtivates/reloads the javascript. Any ideas on
how to get this to work?

Second, I ended up using a table structure for the form, wrapping the
DIV around the

doesn’t work (the guest_name field is always
visible). I’m guessing this is a table structure issue so I need to take
a more in depth look.

Thanks again for the code Chris! It was extremely helpful.
