I am wanting to reverse proxy to a number of servers running on
different ports on one machine. These servers will come and go. Is it
possible to dynamically change the nginx mappings without having to
bounce the server?
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Dynamic upstream management has been something on my wishlist for a
while. It would make nginx a smarter load balancer… I believe Piotr
or someone else might have something started for this though (in
combination with a module) not sure.d
metamind at 2010-3-19 2:01 wrote:
ThanksI am wanting to reverse proxy to a number of servers running on different ports on one machine. These servers will come and go. Is it possible to dynamically change the nginx mappings without having to bounce the server?
Try the health check module?
Weibin Y.
It sounds like dynamic upstream management is exactly
what I’m after. It would be great if anyone has any news
on any work that is happening in that area.
sounds good to me as well. what would be on my wishlist is a module for
dynamically assigning upstream weights based on criteria like for
load-1/-5/-15 of the backend server… that would be great

It sounds like dynamic upstream management is exactly what I’m after. It
would be great if anyone has any news on any work that is happening in
that area.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
I thought that people on this mailing list knew about this piece of
software, but since it hasn’t been mentioned, I’ll point you to
I haven’t tried it, though.
metamind a écrit :