Dynamically adding class variables


I am writing an object relational mapper for an educational project
where I need to add new class variables to classes in an inheritance
hierarchy. The variables hold class-specific information such as which
tables are mapped and validation logic so they cannot be shared among
the hierarchy like inherited class variables from the superclass would.
Because of that I could not declare them in the parent and just
initialize them in the subclasses. Instead, I decided to add and set
them at runtime after subclassing.

However, i think ruby behaves a bit odd here. In class methods inherited
from the superclass I can see the class variables through the method
class_variables, but to use them in the child class I have to re-open
the children and re-define the class methods which use the variables!

?> class ORM

def ORM.table table
class_eval("@@table = :%s" % table)

?> def ORM.vars


def ORM.table?
=> nil

?> class Article < ORM

table :articles
=> :articles

?> Article.vars
=> ["@@table"]

NameError: uninitialized class variable @@table in ORM
from (irb):22:in `table?’
from (irb):31
from :0

?> class Article

def Article.table?
=> nil

?> Article.table?
=> :articles

Could anyone enlighten me on why class_variables finds the class
variable in the subclass and why the class methods act like they were
invoked on the parent class? Apparently class_variables finds the
variables in a different way than ruby does when it evaluates the method

Also, has anyone a good idea how I can give each child class variables
which are shared among all instances of the classes but isolated from
parents and other children?

siemen baader

On Mar 27, 4:48 pm, Siemen B. [email protected] wrote:

However, i think ruby behaves a bit odd here. In class methods inherited
from the superclass I can see the class variables through the method
class_variables, but to use them in the child class I have to re-open
the children and re-define the class methods which use the variables!


On Mar 27, 4:48 pm, Siemen B. [email protected] wrote:

def ORM.table table
class_eval(“@@table = :%s” % table)


C:>qri class_variable_set

obj.class_variable_set(symbol, obj) => obj

 Sets the class variable names by _symbol_ to _object_.

    class Fred
      @@foo = 99
      def foo

    def Fred.foo
      class_variable_set(:@@foo, 101)      #=> 101
    Fred.new.foo                             #=> 101

However, given your problems, I would advise using instance variables
on the class itself along with accessor methods for them.

Instead of:

class Foo
@@bar = 12
def jam
p @@bar


class Foo
@bar = 12
class << self
attr_accessor :bar
def jam
p self.class.bar

On Mar 27, 2007, at 6:50 PM, Siemen B. wrote:

However, i think ruby behaves a bit odd here. In class methods
inherited from the superclass I can see the class variables through
the method class_variables, but to use them in the child class I
have to re-open the children and re-define the class methods which
use the variables!

Don’t use Ruby ‘class variables’ use Ruby ‘class instance variables’.

Programmers coming to Ruby and expecting per class state often gravitate
towards the mis-named ‘class variables’ when what they really want are
‘class instance variables’.

I fault the misleading name and explanations in Pickaxe and The Ruby Way
for this never ending source of confusion. For example on p. 33 of
the Pickaxe:

“Sometimes classes themselves need to have their own states. This is
where class variables come in.”

And on page 3 and 4 of The Ruby Way is a several paragraph
description of
per class state that consistently uses the term ‘class variable’ when,
with respect to Ruby, ‘class instance variable’ is more applicable.

Gary W.

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Siemen B. wrote:

Could anyone enlighten me on why class_variables finds the class variable in
the subclass and why the class methods act like they were invoked on the
parent class? Apparently class_variables finds the variables in a different
way than ruby does when it evaluates the method code…

@@vars are shared among all child classes. @var belong to only one
class even
though methods which access them might be inherited - in otherwords you
initialize them in each child. ruby provides not built-in way to do

Also, has anyone a good idea how I can give each child class variables which
are shared among all instances of the classes but isolated from parents and
other children?

traits and attributes both solve this problem completely. traits.rb is
a bit
heavy-weight and offers many other features. attributes.rb is only 42
of code but solves the issue you are dealing with. i reccomend using

gem install attributes


to use with classes just do

class Base
class << self
attribute(:a){ 42 }

class Derived < Base

the will setup both classes so that the default value of ‘a’ is 42 and
it is
not shared, but it can be overriden easily too

Derived.a = 42.0

traits info

gem install trails




On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

[email protected] wrote:

gem install trails



Hey Ara, when can we expect ruby-on-trails? :stuck_out_tongue:

lol - whoops!


Thanks very much for the answers Phrogz, Ara and Gary!

I actually had it set up with class instance vars first, but they were
so longish to access (self.class.method) that I thought there had to be
a cleaner, more rubyish solution I was missing…

Also thanks for the google link, it was great help to me even though the
query is pretty obvious, at least after you see it … :slight_smile:

As for the strange beavior af class variables:

  • It seems ok to me that they are singleton in the whole inheritance
    tree; that’s a design choice.

  • But: Is it intended behaviour that they can be seen by class_variables
    but not used in class methods like in my example and here:


  • siemen

[email protected] wrote:

gem install trails



Hey Ara, when can we expect ruby-on-trails? :stuck_out_tongue:

On 3/28/07, Siemen B. [email protected] wrote:

Thanks very much for the answers Phrogz, Ara and Gary!

I actually had it set up with class instance vars first, but they were
so longish to access (self.class.method) that I thought there had to be
a cleaner, more rubyish solution I was missing…

Well I have written this small bit of code, which makes use of class
instance variable still more simpler:

class Object

def self.metaclass; class << self; self; end; end

def self.iattr_accessor *args

metaclass.instance_eval do
  attr_accessor *args

args.each do |attr|

  class_eval do
    define_method(attr) do



This is how you use it:

class Foobar
iattr_accessor :foo

Foobar.foo = “blah”
p Foobar.foo

lol = Foobar.new
p lol.foo