Dynamically adding class methods to Model

I have a Model that includes a bunch of class methods. I want to be
able to make calls like:

calories = Nutrient.calories
fat = Nutrient.fat

Right now, my Model looks like something I’d write in Java:

class Nutrient < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.calories

def self.fat

…This goes on for awhile…

I need help taking advantage of Ruby. I’d like something like:

class Nutrient < ActiveRecord::Base
NUTRIENTS = {“calories” => 208, “fat” => 204, …

def self.method_missing(methodname, *args)
value = NUTRIENTS[methodname)
Nutrient.find(value) unless value.nil?


I’ve tried many permutations of dynamically adding these methods, but I
hit a brick wall every time. Can someone give me some direction?

Thanks in advance

Look at class_eval for creating class methods on the fly. Or extend
the class with a module that defines method_missing in the module.


On Jun 6, 2:00 pm, Todd R. [email protected]

MichaelLatta wrote:

Look at class_eval for creating class methods on the fly. Or extend
the class with a module that defines method_missing in the module.


On Jun 6, 2:00 pm, Todd R. [email protected]

Hell yeah!

I tried class_eval earlier but kept getting “stack too deep” errors.
I’m not sure what I was doing wrong, but I remember it was frustrating,
so I abandoned that approach. Your suggestion prompted me to try again

  • Thank you!

Here’s what I’ve got now:

class Nutrient < ActiveRecord::Base
NUTRIENTS = {“calories” => “ENERC_KAL”, “fat” => “FAT”, …

NUTRIENTS.each do | key, value |
class_eval “def self.#{key} ; Nutrient.find_by_tagname(‘#{value}’) ;
end ;”

… no more messy methods! …

It’s so beautiful it makes me want to cry. Thanks again Michael!