Dynamic String with Single Backslashes

I want to create below multiline document ( String ). I maintained one array in which I am pushing each line, but \ is getting replace automatically.

How can I create a string with single backslash.


%define lines
\draw[gray, ultra thin]  (0,0) --(30,0); 
\node[label={[rotate=0]right: \makecell \textbf{Problem Statement}}] at (30,0) {}; 


If you are asking about multiline strings, if I don’t get you wrong, you can use here documents:

1. With tabs or spaces before each line:

puts <<-'EOF'
	\hello world\


	\hello world\

2. Without tabs or spaces before each line with squiggly heredoc:

puts <<~'EOF'
	\hello world\


\hello world\

3. Using method chaining inside here docs:

puts <<~'EOF'.chars.*('-')
	\hello world\


\-h-e-l-l-o- -w-o-r-l-d-\-

4. String interpolation:

puts <<EOF.chars.*('-')    # or you can use double quotes: "EOF"...
	\hello world\
	#{50 + 50}


	-h-e-l-l-o- -w-o-r-l-d-	-1-0-0-

So, here docs can be very helpful. Note that you can use anything in place of EOF, but you need to close it. We used - before EOF that will prevent syntax error if the closing EOF begins with a space or a tab.

This is a very cool and handy feature that you can experiment with. Hopefully I have provided the right answer.

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Thanks for your reply.

For multiline string above syntax is correct and helpful.