It is possible have dynamic menu’s in my views?
for example, in the following menu code:
It is possible have dynamic menu’s in my views?
for example, in the following menu code:
that’s easy to do in RoR
maybe put the menu-info in an array of hashes like {:href => “…”,
:title => “…”} named my_menu
gemblon (t.b.) said the following on 19/12/07 10:22 AM:
Something like:A... B... i can add the loop to generate the number of menu’s.
has anybody done this?
See Tabnav
Presentation at
ruby script/plugin install svn://
“Politics is the art of appearing candid and completely open, while
concealing as much as possible.”
– Brian Herbert,
Thorsten M. wrote:
that’s easy to do in RoR
maybe put the menu-info in an array of hashes like {:href => “…”,
:title => “…”} named my_menu<% my_menu.each do |entry| %>
- A <% end %>
thanks. worked great. used the array of hashes.
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