I’m trying to build a form with an ordered list of elements. You can
add/remove an arbitrary number of items. I can use link_to_remote to
insert a new element, but I am having problems maintaining order when it
comes to submitting the form. Here is my “element”:
It is actually a set of two text_fields, as you can see. When the form
is initially built with a default of 3 “choices,” the order is given by
choice_0, choice_1, etc. But when insert a new “choice”
via ajax it
doesn’t have a proper name/id. I can call it “choice_new” or something
but when the form is submitted the controller won’t know what order they
were in the form.
Hmmmmmmmmm. You could create a hash and populate it with a mapping of
position to choice_id. You will need to generate a unique ID for each
added choice… I would try storing the mapping and the ‘current ID’ in
the session. Then, when you create a new choice:
Add one to the current ID in the session and use it for the choice
ID. Save it to the session.
Get the hash from the session. Add the ID to it, pointing to the
position. You will have to add one to all hash values greater than the
position you want to insert to first.
Hmm, I never thought of storing the the choices in the session. So you
would suggest redrawing the entire list each time a choice is added or
deleted as opposed to trying to play it cheap and just insert/remote
individual items?
It is actually a set of two text_fields, as you can see. When the form
is initially built with a default of 3 “choices,” the order is given by
choice_0, choice_1, etc. But when insert a new “choice”
via ajax it
doesn’t have a proper name/id. I can call it “choice_new” or something
but when the form is submitted the controller won’t know what order they
were in the form.
I’d recommend changing to
<% @choices = Array.new(3, Choice.new) if @choices.empty %>
Now there’s no numbering or ids to maintain, the texts and values
are each posted as arrays, respecting their order in the document,
the client-side insertion and deletion of choices is much more
responsive for the user, and you no longer need to include Prototype.
However for efficiency in actual implementation the scripts
should be made page-wide functions that are called from each link.
We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.
Excellent. I wasn’t aware that I could use name[] as a field name.
Solves all my problems. Well, now I am not sure that I really want to
“clone” the node. I may have to put some extra JS in there to clear the
text_field values on the new node.
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