"dynamic constant assignment"

Can someone PLEASE help me with this error I can NOT understand what is
wrong with this code on lines 124 and 145 it’s reading…dynamic
constant assignment Screen = Screen.new for both lines 124 and 125.

here is the script

#Define a class repersenting the console window
class Screen

def cls #Define a method that clears the display area
puts ("\n" * 25) #Scroll the screen 25 times
puts “\a”

def pause #Define a method that pauses the display area
#execution until the player presses the Enter keyend


#Define a class repersenting the typing text
class Test


#This method displays the 8-ball greeting message
def display_greeting

Console_Screen.cls #clears the display area

#Display a welcome screen
print “\t\t Welcome to the Ruby Typing Challenge game!” +
"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPress Enter to " +
"Continue. \n\n: "

Console_Screen.pause #Pause the game


#Define a method to be uded to present text instructions
def display_instructions

Console_Screen.cls #Clear the display area
puts “\t\t\tInstructions:\n\n” #Display a heading

#Display the game’s instruction
puts %Q{ This test consists of a series of 5 typing challenges.
Each challenge sentence is presented one at a time. To respond
correctly, you must retype each sentence exactly as shown and press
the Enter key.
Your grade will be displayed at the end of the test.
Press Enter to continue.\n\n}

Console_Screen.pause #Pause the game


#Define a method to be used to present typing challanges
def present_test(challange)

Console_Screen.cls #clears the display area
print challange + "\n\n: " #Display the challenge sentence
result = STDIN.gets #Collects the players input
result.chop! #cuts off any remaining characters

#Analyze the player input and see if it is correct
if challenge == result then

#keep track of the number of correctly retyped challenge sentences
$noRight += 1
Console_Screen.cls    #Clears the display area
#keep the player informed
print "Correct!\n\nPress Enter to continue."
Console_Screen.pause  #pause the game


Console_Screen.cls #Clear the display area
#keeps the player informed
print “Incorrect!\n\nPress Enter to continue.”
Console_Screen.pause #Clears the game



#Define a method to be used to display test results
def determine_grade

Console_Screen.cls   #clears the display area

#To pass the test the player must correctly retype 3 sentences
if $noRight >= 3 then

#Inform the payer of the good news
print "You retyped " + $noRight.to_s + " sentence(s) correctly. "
puts "You have passed the typing text!\n\nPress Enter to continue."

else #The player has failed the test

#Inform the player of the bad news
print "You retyped " + $noRight.to_s + " sentence(s) correctly. "
puts "You have failed the typing test!\n\nPress Enter to continue."



Main Script


#Initialize global variable that will be used to keep track of the
#of correct retyped sentences
$noRight = 0

Console_Screen = Screen.new
Typing_Test = Test.new



#Prompts the player for premission to begin the text
print "Would you like to text your typing skills? (y/n)\n\n: "

answer = STDIN.gets #Collect player response
answer.chop! #Remove any extra characters appended to the string

#loop until the player enters y or n and do not accept any other input.
until answer == “y” || answer == “n”

Console_Screen.cls #clears the display area

#prompt the player for permission to begin the text
print "Would you like to text your typing skills? (y/n)\n\n: "

answer = STDIN.gets #collect the player response
answer.chop! #remove any appended characters to the string


if answer == “n” #See if the player elected to not player

else #The player wants to take the test


Console_Screen.cls #Clears the display area

#Invites the player to return and play again
puts “Okay, perhaps another time.\n\n”

#Display typing challenges and grade each answer by calling on the
#Test objects present test method
Typing_Test.present_test “In the end there can be only one.”
Typing_Test.present_test “Once a great plague swept across the land.”
Typing_Test.present_test “Welcome to Ruby P.ming for the Absolute”
" Beginner."
Typing_Test.present_test "There are very few problems in the world " +
“that enough M&Ms cannot fix.”
Typing_Text.present_test "Perhaps today is a good day to die. Fight " +
“besides me and let us die together.”

#Notify the player of the results by executing the Test objects
#determing_grage method

Console_Screen.pause #pauses the game

Console_Screen.cls #clear the display area
#Thank the player for taking the typing test
puts “Thank you for taking the Ruby Typing Challenge.\n\n”
