Dear colleague,
Please, note that after the workshop, best papers will be selected,
and a second deadline will then be set regarding preparation of the
Electronic Communications of the EASST. Note that we submission
deadline has been extended.
The important dates:
- May 27: deadline for the workshop submissions. Submissions should
follow LNCS format (Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS | Springer | Springer — International Publisher) and should be sorter than
10 pages. extended deadline - June 12-13: Author notification of their submission
- June 15, 2007: ECOOP’07 Early Registration
- July 31: Workshop
- August 5: Selection of best papers for Electronic Communications
of the EASST - September 10: deadline for revised and extended version of
submission for the communications.
Dyla organisers
Call for Papers
Dyla 2007: 3rd Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
July 31, 2007, Berlin (Collocated with ECOOP 2007)
The goal of this workshop is to act as a forum where we can discuss
new advances in the conception, implementation and application of
object-oriented languages that radically diverge from the statically
typed class-based reflectionless doctrine. The goal of the workshop
is to discuss new as well as older “forgotten” languages and features
in this context. Topics of interest include, but are certainly not
limited to:
- agents, actors, active objects, distribution, concurrency and
mobility - delegation, prototypes, mixins
- first-class closures, continuations, environments
- reflection and meta-programming
- (dynamic) aspects for dynamic languages
- higher-order objects & messages
- … other exotic dynamic features which you would categorize as OO
- multi-paradigm & static/dynamic-marriages
- (concurrent/distributed/mobile/aspect) virtual machines
- optimisation of dynamic languages
- automated reasoning about dynamic languages
- “regular” syntactic schemes (cf. S-expressions, Smalltalk, Self)
- Smalltalk, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Lisp, Self, ABCL, Prolog, …
- … any topic relevant in applying and/or supporting dynamic
We solicit high-quality submissions on research results
and/or experience. Submitted papers must be unpublished
and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions
should not exceed 10 pages, LNCS format (Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS | Springer | Springer — International Publisher).
Prospective attendees are requested to submit a position paper or an
essay (max 10 pages, references included) on a topic relevant to the
workshop to Alexandre Bergel ([email protected]).
Submissions are demanded to be in .pdf format and should arrive
before May 13, 2007.
A selection of the best papers will be made, which will require an
extension for an inclusion in a special issue in Electronic
Communications of the EASST ( For this
purpose, a new deadline will be set after the workshop.
Moreover, Springer publishes a Workshop-Reader (as in the case of
previous ECOOPs) which appears after the Conference and which
contains Workshop-Reports (written by the organizers) and not the
position papers submitted by the participants.
Important dates
May 27, 2007: deadline for the workshop submissions. Submissions
should follow LNCS format (Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS | Springer | Springer — International Publisher) and should be
sorter than 10 pages. extended deadline
June 12-13, 2007: Author notification of their submission
June 15, 2007: ECOOP’07 Early Registration
July 31, 2007: Workshop
August 05, 2007: Selection of best papers for Electronic
Communications of the EASST
September 10, 2007: deadline for revised and extended version of
submission for the communications.
Alexandre Bergel
Wolfgang De Meuter
Stéphane Ducasse
Oscar Nierstrasz
Roel Wuyts
Program committee
Alexandre Bergel (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, University of
Potsdam, Germany)
Johan Brichau (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Pascal Costanza (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Wolfgang De Meuter (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Stéphane Ducasse (University of Savoie, France)
Erik Ernst (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
Robert Hirschfeld (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, University of
Potsdam, Germany)
Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern, Switzerland)
Matthew Flatt (University of Utah, USA)
Dave T. (Bedarra Research Labs, Canada)
Laurence Tratt (King’s College London, UK)
Roel Wuyts (IMEC & Université Libre de Bruxelles,