DVB-T Modulation over low-end ATOM CPU

Hi fellow GNURadioers,

just in case somebody is interested, this is the main dish of our SDR
which we will be presenting within GLOBECOM 2010 (Miami, FL) demo
session on
Dec. 8th. Title of the demo is “Showcasing MA potential”, as it aims to
provide a glimpse of computational performance results that one might
by applying the programming technique described in
http://www.pellegrini-radio.it/MA/ to an SDR system.

The video proves real-time, live ETSI DVB-T modulation for 4 standard
resolution channels (11.612 Mbps useful protected bitrate) to be

.:. over an Intel ATOM N270 CPU
.:. which consumes 2.5 Watts of electrical power
.:. by requiring less than 70 % of its computational power

with nothing but C++ code and MA technique involved.
We believe there is still margin for application of the MA technique,
compuational cost can be further reduced.

Of course, not comparable to the power efficiency of an ASIC. Yet.

regards to everybody


On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Vincenzo P. [email protected]

.:. over an Intel ATOM N270 CPU
.:. which consumes 2.5 Watts of electrical power
.:. by requiring less than 70 % of its computational power
with nothing but C++ code and MA technique involved.
We believe there is still margin for application of the MA technique,

Hi Vincenzo,
I have read with interest your article because I’m particulary
interested in the use of
such tecnique, however it’s not clear to me, may be you have to
clarify it in the article
to enlight the reader, what the MA tecnique does more than apply the
old but still good
principles (used since decads in the software industry) such:

  1. Divide et impera
  2. Look up table.

The results you obtained are encouraging, in the sense that still in
2010 such old principles
are still of valid use.

Gaetano M.

That’s awesome work Vince.
Not being much of a programmer myself, do you plan on releasing any
libraries that would help folks take advantage of this technique?
Also, have you applied MA to demodulation?

Hi William,
nice to hear that you appreciate the work.

Here you can see what happened when we applied MA to our ETSI DVB-T
demodulator earlier this year. We demoed this at WSR10, Karlsruhe,
Since then, we increased the amount of MA within the receiver chain,
yielded major computational performance improvements.

The dream that we’re aiming for is to be able to provide some sort of MA
compiler which can automatically implement an SDR including as much as
possible of the MA computational benefits, once given a high level C++
description of the radio chain.



2010/11/26 William C. [email protected]