Colin L. wrote in post #1166375:
I thought of adding .to_s to @image, but that leads me to the error:
Paperclip::adapterregistry::nohandlererror in PinsController#copy
No handler found for
Because, again, you have not copy/pasted the complete message, and
possibly stack trace, from the terminal I do not know which line of
code generated that error so have no idea of the cause.
I think I need to tell it to just pic out the .jpg itself, not the whole
directory listing. Does that sound right?
Hi Colin, and thanks again for taking the time. Understood that you want
the terminal error. This is the full error that I get in the terminal
Paperclip::AdapterRegistry::NoHandlerError (No handler found for
app/controllers/pins_controller.rb:46:in `copy’
I read through the Paperclip gem documentation on Github:
GitHub - thoughtbot/paperclip: Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord but that hasn’t gotten me
I;m not sure if this helps as well, but here is what an image looks like
when I call it in the console. First with adding .to_s to see it as a
string, and secondly to show it without converting it to string.
2.0.0-p353 :019 > p.image.to_s
2.0.0-p353 :020 > p.image
=> #<Paperclip::Attachment:0x0000010611a3f8 @name=:image,
@instance=#<Pin id: 83, description: “
\r\n”, created_at:
“2015-01-01 15:13:51”, updated_at: “2015-01-01 15:13:51”, user_id: 3,
image_file_name: "Alt-J-_This_is_all_yours.jpg”, image_content_type:
“image/jpeg”, image_file_size: 23265, image_updated_at: “2015-01-01
15:13:50”, image_remote_url: nil, artist: “Alt-J”, album: “This Is All
Yours”, date: nil, rank: nil, video_html: “”, video: “”, rating: “3”,
year: “2014”, title: “”>, @options={:convert_options=>{},
:default_url=>“/:attachment/:style/missing.png”, :escape_url=>true,
:restricted_characters=>/[&$+,/:;=?@<>[]{}|\^~%# ]/,
:hash_digest=>“SHA1”, :interpolator=>Paperclip::Interpolations,
:only_process=>[], :path=>“:rails_root/public:url”,
:preserve_files=>false, :processors=>[:thumbnail],
:source_file_options=>{}, :storage=>:filesystem,
:url_generator=>Paperclip::UrlGenerator, :use_default_time_zone=>true,
:use_timestamp=>true, :whiny=>true,
:check_validity_before_processing=>true}, @post_processing=true,
@queued_for_delete=[], @queued_for_write={}, @errors={}, @dirty=false,
@attachment=#<Paperclip::Attachment:0x0000010611a3f8 …>,
@attachment_options={:convert_options=>{}, :default_style=>:original,
:default_url=>“/:attachment/:style/missing.png”, :escape_url=>true,
:restricted_characters=>/[&$+,/:;=?@<>[]{}|\^~%# ]/,
:hash_digest=>“SHA1”, :interpolator=>Paperclip::Interpolations,
:only_process=>[], :path=>“:rails_root/public:url”,
:preserve_files=>false, :processors=>[:thumbnail],
:source_file_options=>{}, :storage=>:filesystem,
:url_generator=>Paperclip::UrlGenerator, :use_default_time_zone=>true,
:use_timestamp=>true, :whiny=>true,
:check_validity_before_processing=>true}>, @source_file_options={},
@name=:medium, @attachment=#<Paperclip::Attachment:0x0000010611a3f8
…>, @geometry=“320x240>”, @format=nil, @other_args={}>}>
I have a question on Stack Overflow as well:
Thanks again for any help!