"Dummy" IO object to push and pull data?


I’m relatively new to advanced Ruby programming, and I seem to be in
need of a “dummy” IO object that does nothing except allowing reading
and writing to it. (I suppose it could do more, but I’d like to keep it
as simple as possible.) What I mean is, I need to use a select statement
to check an array two IO objects that could have data to be read.
However, in other threads running, I will be needing to push data to
these objects.

I’m using Windows Vista, and what I’ve found out about IO.pipe doesn’t
seem to work like I intended - at least, not on my operating system.

Here’s an example of what I’m trying to do:

$objectA = ???
$objectB = ???

Thread.new() do

Thread.new() do

ready = select([$objectA,$objectB])
next if(ready == nil)

for object in ready[0]
if(object == $objectA)
puts(“10 milliseconds have passed in the first thread.”)
puts(">> with message: #{object.gets()}")
elsif(object == $objectB)
puts(“15 milliseconds have passed in the second thread.”)
puts(">> with message: #{object.gets()}")

Does anyone know of a way I could accomplish this? If I’m not explaining
what I’m trying to do clearly enough, just ask what more you’d like to
know. Also, please don’t comment on any of the conventions I use, unless
it directly pertains to the IO question - the above is an example, and
barely resembles the actual code.

On Jan 1, 2010, at 16:40 , Shay H. wrote:

I’m relatively new to advanced Ruby programming, and I seem to be in
need of a “dummy” IO object that does nothing except allowing reading
and writing to it. (I suppose it could do more, but I’d like to keep it
as simple as possible.) What I mean is, I need to use a select statement
to check an array two IO objects that could have data to be read.
However, in other threads running, I will be needing to push data to
these objects.

ri StringIO

Ryan D. wrote:

ri StringIO

Thanks, but I think I’m missing something:

test.rb:15:in ‘select’: can’t convert StringIO to IO (TypeError)

objectA = StringIO.new("")
objectB = StringIO.new("")

ready = select([objectA,objectB])

What would be the alternative to using select on them?

I apologize if these are basic questions, but I’ve tried Google and
looked on both the IO and StringIO documentation pages with no luck. If
there’s a better way for me to go about searching, do tell - I’m all for
nagging you guys less.

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Shay H. [email protected]

Ryan D. wrote:

ri StringIO

Thanks, but I think I’m missing something:

Depending on your application, fakefs might be worth while.

Are you needing fake files?

Andrew McElroy

I’ve been using a workaround that seems to work fine, but certainly
isn’t the best practice. It involves me creating a local TCPServer that
simply echos any lines it receives back to the socket, and creating a
bunch of TCPSockets. Then the sockets can use puts() in delayed threads
while they’re all being checked in a loop { select() } to see if they
have data ready to be gets()'d.

Shay H. wrote:

Ryan D. wrote:

ri StringIO

Thanks, but I think I’m missing something:

test.rb:15:in ‘select’: can’t convert StringIO to IO (TypeError)

objectA = StringIO.new("")
objectB = StringIO.new("")

ready = select([objectA,objectB])

Ah, then you want something with a real underlying O/S file descriptor.

require ‘socket’
a, b = Socket.pair(Socket::AF_UNIX, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)

Then you can select on a while in another thread you write to b (or vice

On 01/02/2010 03:33 AM, Shay H. wrote:

ready = select([objectA,objectB])

What would be the alternative to using select on them?

I apologize if these are basic questions, but I’ve tried Google and
looked on both the IO and StringIO documentation pages with no luck. If
there’s a better way for me to go about searching, do tell - I’m all for
nagging you guys less.

If your scenario is such that for any particular thread you are always
either reading or writing then you should probably look at class

require ‘thread’

io = Queue.new # well, this isn’t an IO

writers = (1…5).map do
Thread.new do
rand(10).times do |i|
io.enq i

readers = (1…2).map do
Thread.new do
while (x=io.deq)
puts x

writers.each {|th| th.join}
readers.size.times {io.enq nil}
readers.each {|th| th.join}

Kind regards


Oh, and there is also IO.pipe, which is unidirectional under most Unix

rd, wr = IO.pipe
=> [#IO:0x7f8a4c31d0e8, #IO:0x7f8a4c31d098]

wr.puts “hello”
=> nil

=> “hello\n”

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Shay H. [email protected]


I’m relatively new to advanced Ruby programming, and I seem to be in
need of a “dummy” IO object that does nothing except allowing reading
and writing to it. (I suppose it could do more, but I’d like to keep it
as simple as possible.) What I mean is, I need to use a select statement
to check an array two IO objects that could have data to be read.
However, in other threads running, I will be needing to push data to
these objects.

If this is all just for thread synchronization, you shouldn’t be using
primitives at all; you should be using thread synchronization

Try ri ConditionVariable and see if that accomplishes what you’re trying

Brian C. wrote:

Oh, and there is also IO.pipe, which is unidirectional under most Unix

I’ve tried pipes, but it seems to always think there’s data to be read.
Here’s the code I was testing it with:

pipeAA, pipeAB = IO.pipe()
pipeBA, pipeBB = IO.pipe()

Thread.new() do
loop do
pipeAB.puts(“1 sec”)

Thread.new() do
loop do
pipeBB.puts(“5 sec”)

loop do

Should wait for one (or both) to have data, right?

ready = select([pipeAA,pipeBA])
next if(ready == nil)

But it ALWAYS thinks there’s data to be read…

for i in ready[0]
if(i == pipeAA)
puts(pipeAA.gets()) # …meaning this locks the program up!
elsif(i == pipeBA)

The output of that is a single line, “AA:”, which is just before it
attempts to get the data from pipeAA. It doesn’t continue, because it’s
waiting for data from pipeAA, but it shouldn’t have gotten to that step
if there wasn’t data ready in the first place.

Caleb C. wrote:

My recollection is that on windows, select only works on sockets. It
doesn’t do anything useful with pipes. You are far from being the
first programmer to regret that this is the case.

To make sure that I’ve been using it right, select is supposed to check
if the IO objects have data ready, and if so, return an array of the
ready objects?


server = TCPServer.new(“localhost”,0)
insock = TCPSocket.new(server.addr[3],server.addr[1])
outsock = server.accept()

puts(“Select starting…”)
ready = select([outsock])
puts(“Select is over.”)

I created a quick test program to make sure that select was working how
I thought it did. When this program is run, it outputs “Select
starting…”, and then locks up, because it’s waiting for outsock to
receive data (which it never will). What I hoped it would do is output
“Select starting…” and then output “Select is over.”, because no data
was ready to be read from outsock.

If I’m using it correctly, is there an alternative to this on Windows

On 1/2/10, Shay H. [email protected] wrote:

Brian C. wrote:

Oh, and there is also IO.pipe, which is unidirectional under most Unix

I’ve tried pipes, but it seems to always think there’s data to be read.
Here’s the code I was testing it with:

My recollection is that on windows, select only works on sockets. It
doesn’t do anything useful with pipes. You are far from being the
first programmer to regret that this is the case.

On 1/3/10, Shay H. [email protected] wrote:

Caleb C. wrote:

My recollection is that on windows, select only works on sockets. It
doesn’t do anything useful with pipes. You are far from being the
first programmer to regret that this is the case.

To make sure that I’ve been using it right, select is supposed to check
if the IO objects have data ready, and if so, return an array of the
ready objects?

It returns an array of arrays of ready file handles.

I created a quick test program to make sure that select was working how
I thought it did. When this program is run, it outputs “Select
starting…”, and then locks up, because it’s waiting for outsock to
receive data (which it never will). What I hoped it would do is output
“Select starting…” and then output “Select is over.”, because no data
was ready to be read from outsock.

Right. Select never returns because nothing ever happens on any of the
file handles you asked it about. If you want a nonblocking select,
pass 0 for its timeout (final parameter). Even better, make some kind
of event for select to read. Either write some data to insock, or
close insock so the select there’s some event to be read (even if just
end of file). (BTW, above snippet has unfortunate variable names;
insock and outsock should be swapped.)

Tony A. wrote:

I’d again ask if you’re trying to do I/O or thread synchronization here.
sure sounds like the latter to me.

ConditionVariables will work on Windows just fine.

Well, it seems the problem is primarily occuring with Open3.popen3
(which I downloaded the support for Windows from RAA
(http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/win32-open3/)). When I am attempting
to call .gets() on the STDERR line, it won’t let me input anything into
STDIN via .puts() until the .gets() method is over (they are being
called in seperate threads). I tried using select on STDERR so that it
wouldn’t lock up with .gets() if there was no data, but as mentioned
earlier in this topic, select only works properly with sockets on
Windows machines.

If you think ConditionVariables would help me in this case, could you
please give me an example of how they would go about fixing this

Shay H. wrote:

Well, it seems the problem is primarily occuring with Open3.popen3
(which I downloaded the support for Windows from RAA
(http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/win32-open3/)). When I am attempting
to call .gets() on the STDERR line, it won’t let me input anything into
STDIN via .puts() until the .gets() method is over (they are being
called in seperate threads).

Sorry, I’ve read that several times and I still don’t understand. Can
you post a small example which demonstrates the problem, preferably

You should have three IO objects from open3: one writable (connected to
stdin on the child), and two readable (connected to stdout and stderr on
the child).

That means you should be able to do

select([child_out, child_err])

to find out which, if any, has data available for reading. It will block
if neither is readable, unless you add a timeout:

select([child_out, child_err], nil, nil, 0)

If that’s broken on Windows, your best option is to upgrade to a real
operating system :slight_smile:

However, I believe you should also be able to read from child_out and
child_err in two separate Ruby threads, which may be the simplest way to
multiplex them. Try it and see:

Thread.new(child_out) do |fd|
while line = fd.gets
puts line
Thread.new(child_err) do |fd|
while line = fd.gets
puts line

I don’t think condition variables will help you here, because you’re
really talking over I/O to a separate process, whilst a ruby
ConditionVariable is something within a single process.

By the way, remember that gets will block until it gets a newline.
select() tells you that some data is available, but not how much, nor
whether there’s a newline. So if the other process has sent a prompt
which doesn’t end with newline, gets will hang.

You could try replacing xxx.gets with xxx.readpartial(1024) to read
whatever data is available.

On 01/04/2010 02:20 AM, Shay H. wrote:

If you think ConditionVariables would help me in this case, could you
please give me an example of how they would go about fixing this

I gave an example using Queue (also a tool for thread synchronization)
already. How about describing what problem you are trying to solve. So
far I have only read that there are some threads that want to write
something and other threads that want to read. For that you can
certainly use a Queue as demonstrated. What things do you want to
“write” and “read” and what do all your threads do otherwise (i.e. when
not reading or writing)?

Kind regards


On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Shay H. [email protected]

If I’m using it correctly, is there an alternative to this on Windows

I’d again ask if you’re trying to do I/O or thread synchronization here.
sure sounds like the latter to me.

ConditionVariables will work on Windows just fine.

Brian C. wrote:

Sorry, I’ve read that several times and I still don’t understand. Can
you post a small example which demonstrates the problem, preferably

My apologies: I’ll see if I can elaborate a bit…

Well, I originally was trying to find a workaround to this, but it seems
the root of the problem is in the process’ streams. I have a seperate
program that I did not create myself (and therefore cannot change the
code of) - this program puts output into stderr, and accepts input
through stdin.

I call Open3.popen3 to create the three streams. In a loop, I want to
constantly read input from stderr. (Assuming I assigned the pipes to
stdin, stdout, and stderr variable names.)

loop do
line = stderr.gets()
puts(“Output: #{line}”)

Then, if I receive an output of say, 0, I want to input something to the
program through stdin five seconds later.

loop do
line = stderr.gets().strip()
puts(“Output: #{line}”)

if(line == “0”)
Thread.new() do
stdin.puts(“Received 0 five seconds ago.”)

It creates the thread properly, but when the sleep expires and it is
ready to call stdin.puts(), it cannot do anything, because the loop
continued around and it is reading from stderr. However, when it
receives a new set of input from stderr, since the stream is momentarily
being unused, it can then grab the stdin stream and properly input the
old line.

As I mentioned before, I tried using select on stderr so that it
wouldn’t tie up the stream, yet I’ve been told select only works
properly with sockets on Windows.

Brian C. wrote:

If that’s broken on Windows, your best option is to upgrade to a real
operating system :slight_smile:

Can’t argue with you there :slight_smile:

Robert K. wrote:

What things do you want to “write” and “read” and what do all your
threads do otherwise (i.e. when not reading or writing)?

See: the above example. If you need a different one, just ask.

Shay H. wrote:

I call Open3.popen3 to create the three streams. In a loop, I want to
constantly read input from stderr. (Assuming I assigned the pipes to
stdin, stdout, and stderr variable names.)

loop do
line = stderr.gets()
puts(“Output: #{line}”)

Then, if I receive an output of say, 0, I want to input something to the
program through stdin five seconds later.

loop do
line = stderr.gets().strip()
puts(“Output: #{line}”)

if(line == “0”)
Thread.new() do
stdin.puts(“Received 0 five seconds ago.”)

It creates the thread properly, but when the sleep expires and it is
ready to call stdin.puts(), it cannot do anything, because the loop
continued around and it is reading from stderr.

Perhaps it would be helpful to distinguish symptoms from your assumed

Firstly, are you saying that the stdin.puts line never completes? You
need to prove this. I suggest:

STDERR.puts "About to send..."
stdin.puts "Received 0"
STDERR.puts "Finished sending."

Secondly, if the puts never completes, are you sure that an exception is
not being raised within your thread? Such exceptions are usually silent,
unless you either join the thread (wait for it to complete), or you set

Thread.abort_on_exception = true

at the top of your program. I suggest you do the latter, to help rule
out a possible cause.

Thirdly, because of buffering, the stuff you wrote to stdin might not
actually be sent until you do


Or you could do ‘stdin.sync = true’ after opening with popen3, so that
all writes to stdin are flushed automatically.

(So if you see “Finished sending.” but the other program doesn’t appear
to respond, that could be the underlying problem)

However, when it
receives a new set of input from stderr, since the stream is momentarily
being unused, it can then grab the stdin stream and properly input the
old line.

So prove that; e.g. the STDERR.puts “Finished sending.” I suggested

As I mentioned before, I tried using select on stderr so that it
wouldn’t tie up the stream, yet I’ve been told select only works
properly with sockets on Windows.

No, if you are using threads, you do not need to do select.

Actually, Ruby will be using select() behind the scenes, and so if
Windows really is that broken, then you would never be able to run
multiple threads talking on different file descriptions; but I didn’t
think it was quite that broken (you need a Windows expert though, I am
not one)

If the program really only outputs to stderr and nothing to stdout, then
it may be simpler just to redirect stderr to stdout, and then talk to it
using a normal IO.popen. That would be “yourcmd 2>&1” under Linux; I
don’t know what the Windows equivalent would be.

Of course, if it weren’t for the “5 second delay” requirement, then it
could be written quite happily without a thread:

while line = stderr.gets
puts “Output: #{line}”
if line == “0”
stdin.puts “Sending something now”

Brian C. wrote:

Perhaps it would be helpful to distinguish symptoms from your assumed

Firstly, are you saying that the stdin.puts line never completes? You
need to prove this. I suggest:

STDERR.puts "About to send..."
stdin.puts "Received 0"
STDERR.puts "Finished sending."

Thirdly, because of buffering, the stuff you wrote to stdin might not
actually be sent until you do


I’ve actually tried these myself; it doesn’t get past the stdin.puts
line, but rather only outputs the first line (where I’m using puts(),
not STDERR.puts()). As for flush, I’ve tried calling it in a few
different places - before the stdin.puts, after the stdin.puts,
inbetween loops, but it doesn’t seem to do anything.

I’ll look into the other things you mentioned and post my results.

Brian C. wrote:

Of course, if it weren’t for the “5 second delay” requirement, then it
could be written quite happily without a thread:

This is true; it works fine without a delay. The delay, unfortunately,
is the crucial aspect that I’ve been trying to get to work from the