I need an advice
Assuming you have a form like:
Father’s kids: <%= in_place_editor_field %>
Mother’s kids: <%= in_place_editor_field %>
with just a Person model.
You want your customers to write directly:
Father’s kids: mike,dave,chad
Mother’s kids: david
I think a proper method to do this is:
1/ Create Father < Person and Mother < Person models
2/ Create in those models accessors:
def kids=(value)
value.split(‘,’).each do |kid|
child = Person.find_by_name(kid)
child.nil? Person.create(:name => kid, :parent_id => self.id) :
child.parent_id = self.id
def kids
# find etc.
3/ Simply put @father_kids & @mother_kids in your controller
But that’s not DRY at all. So to improve this code, we could simply put
in a ‘lib/people.rb’ file:
@people = [‘father’,‘mother’]
@people.each do |parent|
define_method(“#{kids=}”) etc.
and require the file in our models.
Actually, it’s what I have done in my project, and it works (hope you
don’t find this ugly :)).
My question is: that not DRY enough. I mean, if you want to add an:
Sister’s kids: etc.
You’ll need to generate a model, require the same files etc.
So, is it ‘recommended’ (‘authorized’, is it proper code?) to add
Classes on-the-file to AR? I mean, not to
write Father.rb, Mother.rb but just create a load_classes.rb (required
in boot.rb I suppose) which define_class (oops,
http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/ returns me a define_class (WIN32COMGen)<–
?!) after AR has reconized the Person model.
Actually, you can do it with a rake file but you need to regenerate it
whenever you change your @people array.
Thanks for your replies.
| Pierre-Alexandre M. |
| email : [email protected] |