Dropdownlist in Rubyon Rails

I have a model called Plan with fields plan_id,Title,description. I have
another model called Buy with fields title,description,Plan. I would
like to create a “New” View for Buy where we have a dropdown listing all
the Titles from Mediaplan. All the Plan:titles are unique and should
come from database.
I created a migration to create a Buy with a foreign key constraint to

create_table :buys do |t|
  t.integer :plan_id, :null=>false, :options =>
   "CONSTRAINT fk_buys_plans REFERENCES plans(id)"
  t.string :title, :null=>false
  t.text :description, :null=>false

How do I create a dropdown list in a Buy’s View with all the Plan titles


use collection_select tag for this

collection_select(:buy, :plan_id, Plan.find(:all), :id, :title, {:prompt
=> true})

Brijesh S.

Brijesh S. wrote:

use collection_select tag for this

collection_select(:buy, :plan_id, Plan.find(:all), :id, :title, {:prompt
=> true})

Brijesh S.

Thanks for responding. I tried that, but it was not displayed as
dropdown. Instead it showed up as plain text on the browser

collection_select(:mediabuy, :mediaplan_id, Mediaplan.find(:all), :id,
:title, {:prompt=> true})


Brijesh S. wrote:

use collection_select tag for this

collection_select(:buy, :plan_id, Plan.find(:all), :id, :title, {:prompt
=> true})

Brijesh S.

Thanks! It works now. I made a dumb mistake by not putting that
collection_select in <%=%>.

Lady H. wrote:

Thanks! It works now. I made a dumb mistake by not putting that
collection_select in <%=%>.

+1 if you take that DB access out of your view…

In the controller, put in a :

@plans = Plan.find(:all)

and swap the view code to:

<%= collection_select(:buy, :plan_id, @plans, :id, :title, {:prompt =>
true}) %>

to separate data acquisition from presentation.

Ar Chron wrote:

Lady H. wrote:

Thanks! It works now. I made a dumb mistake by not putting that
collection_select in <%=%>.

+1 if you take that DB access out of your view…

Thanks I will try that :slight_smile: