I have a dropdown menu which shows the categories available. When a user
selects one I want the browser to redirect to the selected category.
I now have this code I found on stackoverflow;
<%form_for :cat_form, :url => {:action => :viewflokkur_selected} do
<%= f.select :cat, @cats_for_mt, {:include_blank => “Flokkar
mælitækis”}, :onchange =>
‘window.location.href = “viewflokkur/” +
However, “value” appears to be null everytime, so I get thrown to
http://localhost:3000/categories/viewflokkur/null. Is there something I
need to do for this to work, or should I be doing something else? I
don’t really understand how to use observer_fields either, but that
seems to be something I should be looking into, is it not?
Best regards,
this.getAttribute(“value”) won’t work on a select input, since the
select doesn’t have a “value” attribute. Rather, it has a list of
options, and one or more of them are selected.
Try this.selectedIndex.value instead.
Tim S. wrote:
this.getAttribute(“value”) won’t work on a select input, since the
select doesn’t have a “value” attribute. Rather, it has a list of
options, and one or more of them are selected.
Try this.selectedIndex.value instead.
Thanks for the suggestion, this.selectedIndex.value does not work
though, now I get
http://localhost:3000/categories/viewflokkur/undefined. Anywhere I can
look this up?
Please post the HTML that is output from the form.
This is the output HTML.
Flokkar mælitækis
Finally got it working, used this solution;
<%= select_tag “cat_selected”, options_for_select([‘Flokkar
:onchange => ‘window.location.href = “viewflokkur_from_select/” +
That gave me params[:id] = index-selected, so I created this new method
viewflokkur_from_select wich gets @cats_for_mt[params[:id].to_i-1] and
then redirects to viewflokkur with that value as params[:cat]. Not very
pretty, and a whole lot uglier than I expected, but works…
Thanks everyone for the suggestions!
Hi again,
I’ve also been trying to solve this using observe_field, and that
‘almost’ seems to work. Here’s the code:
<%=select_tag “cat_selected”, options_for_select(@cats_for_mt)%>
<%=observe_field ‘cat_selected’,
:url => {:action => :viewflokkur},
:with => ‘cat’,
:method => :get %>
When I change the value, development.log shows this.
Processing CategoriesController#viewflokkur (for at 2010-06-12
12:04:33) [GET]
Parameters: {“cat”=>“Taugasjúkraþjálfun”,
Rendering template within layouts/main
Rendering categories/viewflokkur
Completed in 21ms (View: 18, DB: 0) | 200 OK
So I should be redirected to ‘viewflokkur’, but nothing happens in my
browser. Is there something else I need to do?
Try this if you wish to have your code clean :