Dropdown menus

Environment: Rails 3.2.3

This is my first attempt at doing a dropdown menu in a Rails
application. I tried looking for help on the topic, but what complicated
things is that the term dropdown menu is used for actual dropdown menu
(page menu), as well as what is dropdown lists, form options, form
selections, etc.

I found a pointer to GitHub - dkeskar/rails-jquery-dropdown: Rails tag and options helpers for constructing jQuery drop-down and hierarchical menus.,
and following the instructions, I downloaded jquery_dropdown_helper.rb:
) and placed it in /lib

In my Gemfile, I have the following:

gem ‘jquery-rails’

I downloaded jquery_dropdown_helper.rb:
GitHub - dkeskar/rails-jquery-dropdown: Rails tag and options helpers for constructing jQuery drop-down and hierarchical menus.) and placed it in /lib

In _header.html.erb, I have the following:

<% require ‘jquery_dropdown_helper’ %>

<%= hidden_field_tag :sort_criteria %>
<%= dropdown_tags :sort_criteria, ‘Select Criteria’,
%w(Category Status Amount-High Amount-Low) %>

Here’s the error code I’m getting:

undefined method `gsub’ for :sort_criteria:Symbol

Any ideas?

Attached is the jquery_dropdown_helper.rb

I think you are using gsub on symbol which is the reason you are thrown
this error. Pass the string to the function instead of symbol:
<%= dropdown_tags “sort_criteria”, ‘Select Criteria’,
%w(Category Status Amount-High Amount-Low) %>

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 3:52 AM, Eastside Developer
[email protected]wrote:

) and placed it in /lib
<% require ‘jquery_dropdown_helper’ %>

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aash dhariya wrote in post #1066730:

I think you are using gsub on symbol which is the reason you are thrown
this error. Pass the string to the function instead of symbol:
<%= dropdown_tags “sort_criteria”, ‘Select Criteria’,
%w(Category Status Amount-High Amount-Low) %>

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 3:52 AM, Eastside Developer
[email protected]wrote:

) and placed it in /lib
<% require ‘jquery_dropdown_helper’ %>

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“Ruby on Rails: Talk” group.
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Yes, gsub as a method is not going to act on a symbol. However, when I
switch to string, instead of seeing a dropdown menu, I see the
following: note that I changed the name of the hidden tag). Any pointers
to dropdown menu examples that do not force to do a deep dive into
