I installed the dropbox gem, and when I want to create a new dropbox
session with my key I get this error:
uninitialized constant DropboxController::Dropbox
Is there anything to do if I want to use the dropbox API?
I installed the dropbox gem, and when I want to create a new dropbox
session with my key I get this error:
uninitialized constant DropboxController::Dropbox
Is there anything to do if I want to use the dropbox API?
branni wrote in post #983861:
I installed the dropbox gem, and when I want to create a new dropbox
session with my key I get this error:uninitialized constant DropboxController::Dropbox
Is there anything to do if I want to use the dropbox API?
Did you add the gem to your Gemfile?
Yes, I did.
Where does this error come from?
Can you post the complete trace message.
branni wrote in post #983880:
Yes, I did.
From what I can tell DropboxController::Dropbox doesn’t exist in the
dropbox gem. Can you provide the code where this is referenced or a
backtrace showing where this error is occurring.
I try to use this tutorial:
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:07 AM, branni [email protected] wrote:
I try to use this tutorial:
GitHub - RISCfuture/dropbox: An easy-to-use client library for the official Dropbox API.
Thank you for the tutorial but that is not what Jatin asked for. We need
see your error message if any of us are to help you better.
HM, the problem resolved, I run again the bundle install and restart
the server, now it works…
My error message was: uninitialized constant
Thanks for your time
The restart of the webrick-server…I experienced the same situation a
couple of times. Sometimes it is enough to add a gem to gemfile and run
bundle install and sometimes in addition the server has to be restarted
otherwise the “uninitialized” message appears…
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