I’m a ruby newbie so I wanted to ask a forum about this before I emailed
the author. The current drb/observer.rb file consists of this code:
require ‘observer’
module DRb
module DRbObservable
include Observable
def notify_observers(*arg)
if defined? @observer_state and @observer_state
if defined? @observer_peers
for i in @observer_peers.dup
end @observer_state = false
My issue is with the rescue. I after a bunch of time trying to track
down a bug I realized that I had a typo in an observer method which was
causing the observer to be deleted.
My suggestion is to change the line to:
rescue RangeError
Which only rescues the error that the author was intending (I believe).
Which only rescues the error that the author was intending (I
Am I missing anything here?
RangeError is generally used only to catch errors with a numerical
range. I think what you’re intending here is probably IndexError
however even that isn’t correct since
for i in @observer_peers.dup
since I don’t believe a for…in loop can exceed the index in this
case unless something else is modifying @observer_peers at the same
I confess the “for…in” looks mighty strange to me, as I find
“@observer_peers.each do |i|” much easier to read these days.
I’d hazard a guess, from that little chunk of code, that the author’s
intention was not to catch bounding errors with the loop but rather to
destroy any observers that were causing critical errors so as to not
have to deal with them. From the sounds of what you describe, it was
working as such as well, though silently destroying someone’s stuff
seems just plain rude to me
These are all just guesses of course, as I’ve never used DRb and only
seen the chunk of code you posted. Hope that help.
RangeError is generally used only to catch errors with a numerical
range. I think what you’re intending here is probably IndexError
however even that isn’t correct since
for i in @observer_peers.dup
since I don’t believe a for…in loop can exceed the index in this
case unless something else is modifying @observer_peers at the same
I’ve spent some quality time with DRb this last week. Before I
discovered drb/observer.rb I was trying to use the regular old
observer.rb. What would happen is an object would build up listeners
and, when a client would disconnect, I’d get a recycled object error.
I was trying to figure out how to get rid of those orphaned listeners.
I found drb/observer and all it did was add a “rescue” and
“delete_observer” in the notify_observers method, so I assumed this was
the reasoning behind it.
I believe that the RangeError is the correct exception for an object
recycled error (I found it in some random post). Please correct me if
I’m wrong.
I confess the “for…in” looks mighty strange to me, as I find
“@observer_peers.each do |i|” much easier to read these days.
I like a little “for…in” every now in then. It’s more intuitive to me
than those crazy blocks. Still, I use “each” for Ruby solidarity
I’d hazard a guess, from that little chunk of code, that the author’s
intention was not to catch bounding errors with the loop but rather to
destroy any observers that were causing critical errors so as to not
have to deal with them.
I’d say that’s right. So, if I’m getting the author’s intent right, a
little more specificity could save some headaches. Just hoping I could
add a contribution after struggling with this.
I was trying to figure out how to get rid of those orphaned listeners.
I found drb/observer and all it did was add a “rescue” and
“delete_observer” in the notify_observers method, so I assumed this
the reasoning behind it.
I believe that the RangeError is the correct exception for an object
recycled error (I found it in some random post). Please correct me if
I’m wrong.
Ah I think I see now. Incidentally my knowledge of RangeError comes
largely from this post by Matz: