I found a strange thing when I include a module to a Drb object.I’m
server.rb:require 'drb’require ‘module_a’
class ServerHello include TestModule1 def sayHello puts ‘I am
server’ end endDRb.start_service(“druby://”,
require ‘drb’ require ‘module_a’ include TestModule1DRb.start_service
info = DRbObject.new(nil, “druby://”) info.sayHello()
require 'drb’module TestModule1 def sayHello2 puts “who am i” endend
The three files in one path, I run server.rb first, then client.rb. The
result is.server.rb output:I am serverclietn.rb output:who am iBut my
expected result is:server.rb output both “I am server” and “who am i”
the “sayHello2” is executed in local, not remote…(or exactly, it’s
“client invoke server, server invoke client backly”, for if we changed
“puts “who am i”” to “puts self”, the result is “DRbObject”)
If I comments the “include TestModule1” of client.rb, the result is
good.But this is not I want, for there are many standard code share
between server and client.
It’s it a defect or my usage error?
2008/1/30 yangpeng [email protected]:
include TestModule1But this is not I want, for there are many standard code share between server and client.
It’s it a defect or my usage error
Wow, this is surprising. I would really appreciate some enlightenment
by somebody more experienced with DRB, but I would call this a bug.
Daniel Brumbaugh K.
yeah, then how can I report this defect, if it is a defect? > Date: Fri,
1 Feb 2008 02:40:02 +0900> From: [email protected]> Subject: Re:
DRB+Mixin, a defect or an usage error?> To: [email protected]> >
2008/1/30 yangpeng [email protected]:> > > I found a strange thing
when I include a module to a Drb object.> > I’m confused.> >> >
module_a.rb:> >> > require ‘drb’> > module TestModule1> > def sayHello2>
puts “who am i”> > end> > end> >> > server.rb:> >> > require ‘drb’> >
require ‘module_a’> >> > class ServerHello> > include TestModule1> > def
sayHello> > puts ‘I am server’> > end> > end> >> >
DRb.start_service(“druby://”, ServerHello.new)> >
DRb.thread.join> >> >> > client.rb:> >> > require ‘drb’> > require
‘module_a’> > include TestModule1> > DRb.start_service> > info =
DRbObject.new(nil, “druby://”)> > info.sayHello()> >
info.sayHello2> >> > The three files in one path, I run server.rb first,
then client.rb.> > The result is> >> > server.rb output:> > I am server>client.rb output:> > who am i> >> > But my expected result is:> >>
server.rb output both “I am server” and “who am i”> >> > the
“sayHello2” is executed in local, not remote. (or exactly, it’s “client
invoke server, server invoke client backly”,> > for if we changed “puts
“who am i”” to “puts self”, the result is “DRbObject”)> > If I comments
the “include TestModule1” of client.rb, the result is good.> > But this
is not I want, for there are many standard code share between server and
client.> > It’s it a defect or my usage error> > > Wow, this is
surprising. I would really appreciate some enlightenment> by somebody
more experienced with DRB, but I would call this a bug.> > Daniel
Brumbaugh K.>
2008/1/31 yangpeng [email protected]:
yeah, then how can I report this defect, if it is a defect?
I’ve spent some more time looking through the various Ruby test
suites, but I can’t find any tests for this behavior. It’s definitely
a bug. I believe the bug report for this should go to
under the category “Misc / Other Standard Library”
The issue seems to be that DRb is including the client version of
modules if it is available, whereas it should always include the
server one. To use RSpec in your example:
info.kind_of?(TestModule1).should be_false
or generically
describe DRb::DRbObject do
Daniel Brumbaugh K.
On Feb 1, 2008 2:24 PM, Daniel Brumbaugh K.
[email protected] wrote:
The issue seems to be that DRb is including the client version of
modules if it is available, whereas it should always include the
server one. To use RSpec in your example:
info.kind_of?(TestModule1).should be_falseor generically
info.class.included_modules.should == [Kernel]
Daniel Brumbaugh K.
blast, tabs don’t do the same thing in browsers they do in text editors