Draggable question

Should / will a drag and drop work on a form element (select menu,
text box, etc), and more specifically is it simply a matter of
defining a new draggable and setting it to the id of the element, or
do I need more voodoo in my mojo :slight_smile: to accomplish it ?


I think the real hazard here is that form elements need to be clickable
to give focus. Users might be frustrated by a form element that is
itself draggable.

You’d probably be better off putting your form field in a cointaining
div that has something that can be used as a more convenient dragging
handle. For instance, you could put a label and a field together and
have the label act as the handle, or use a graphical drag handle.

Set the handle parameter in your Draggable with the ID of the child
element that will act as a handle.

stuart fellowes wrote:

Should / will a drag and drop work on a form element (select menu,
text box, etc), and more specifically is it simply a matter of
defining a new draggable and setting it to the id of the element, or
do I need more voodoo in my mojo :slight_smile: to accomplish it ?


It makes sense to use a handle instead of the element itself. Thank
you for that suggestion. The probem though is right now I can get
neither the element or the handle to move. Cross bars are not coming
up either. Both FF 1.5.x and IE 6/7 are not throwing up any errors.
Javascript is NOT turned off on my browser. Very weird.
