Download file located outside rails aaplication folder


how can i access/download a file located somewhere else outside rails
application folder? suppose, file is in /tmp/ or /home/some_folder/ on
linux, then what should be the path given for send_file?


Dhaval P. wrote:


how can i access/download a file located somewhere else outside rails
application folder? suppose, file is in /tmp/ or /home/some_folder/ on
linux, then what should be the path given for send_file?


one of our perl script generates reports in /tmp/reports and i need to
download them. can somebody help in this please? is there any risk
putting outside file path to download function?



Sijo Kg wrote:



thanks sijo. i had tried that some days back and it didn’t worked that
time but it worked today… strange. anyways… thanks for your time and

btw, is there any risk putting the outside rails file path, directly in
the download function? there is something called “sanitize” in the docs.
can you or anybody explain a bit about that with some examples?
