Doubts after generating with scaffold

Hi you all, after creating an app I used the script scaffold to generate
the whole thing. After this, I have several doubts about the code

  • â??def indexâ?: This method calls the method â??listâ?. However, to display
    the template â??list.rhtmlâ?, it also calls the â??render :action=>â??listâ?? â?.
    Why? I mean, if we have previously called the method â??listâ?, this method
    would also render the template, there will be no need to explicitly say
    so. If not, we could have also used â??render :templateâ?, not render the

  • â??postâ?? is indicated in the destroy action, but not in others like
    â??editâ? or â??showâ?â?¦ why? How can I know when I have to use the â??postâ? or

  • When we create a new element we call the â??newâ? action and then the
    â??createâ? action. In both of them we are using the â??Thing.newâ? soâ?¦ are we
    instantiating the thing twice?. I donâ??t understand this piece of code.

  • For â??listâ? we use the pagination helper. The line of code is something
    â??@thing_pages, @things = paginate :things, :per_page => 10, :order_by =>
    'demo_name’â? I donâ??t understand the line. I can understand the code
    after the â??@things =â?, but not the â??@thing_pages,â? code.

  • Iâ??ve also seen in tutorials with older versions that variables such as
    â??flashâ? or â??paramsâ? are not passed with the at symbol. Do you know the
    why of these change?

If anyone could answer any of these questionsâ?¦. :smiley: Thanks! :smiley: