Domain status in Rails


For an app I need users to put in the domain name their website is
hosted on. It’s important that this domain works, so I’d like my app
to check this. I’d like to be able to process the response. If it
returns a 404 error or maybe even a 500 error I’d like it to have the
method return true, but also a message saying there’s something the
user needs to look into at their end. If the domain is unavailable (so
there is no record in the zonefile) I’d like the method to return
false and return an error message saying the domain is invalid. Of
course, if it passes with a 200 message, I’d like it to return true
and a success message.

Is this possible and how?

Thank you very much!

On Oct 19, 6:59 pm, jhaagmans [email protected] wrote:

course, if it passes with a 200 message, I’d like it to return true
and a success message.

Is this possible and how?

Well you could use the ruby name resolving classes or make an http
request with Net::HTTP (although beware of DNS servers that lie when
the domain doesn’t exist)


I’m not behind it right now, but would the following work?

require ‘net/http’

url = URI.parse(params[:url])
http =, url.port)
response = http.send_request(‘GET’, ‘/’)
puts response.body

Thank you.

On Oct 19, 7:35 pm, jhaagmans [email protected] wrote:

I’m not behind it right now, but would the following work?

require ‘net/http’

url = URI.parse(params[:url])
http =, url.port)
response = http.send_request(‘GET’, ‘/’)
puts response.body

well it would check you can make a request to that domain (assuming no
dns tomfoolery), obviously doesn’t check if there is any thing valid
at that url


Of course not, but it will give a 404 if there’s nothing there, for
example? That’s what matters

What would be the response if you check for an inactive domain? Is
that simply no response at all? Because that could also mean it times
out, no? I know it’s not 100% safe, the user also has some
responsibility. Even a typo that resolves could validate, I have some
other ideas for that, but I’d like to take out the 404s, 500s and what

Thanks again.

Well, it’s not actually valid, but we only want to filter out the
bogus domains. All the other ones will be validated manually, because
you simply can’t catch everything. It will be trial and error for the
most part. Later on we might, for example, check its content or maybe
even nameservers ( could be rejected by default).

What I want for the moment is to reject a domain that’s not even
registered and maybe later also any errors like 404 and 500.

On Oct 20, 8:52 am, jhaagmans [email protected] wrote:

Of course not, but it will give a 404 if there’s nothing there, for
example? That’s what matters

What would be the response if you check for an inactive domain? Is
that simply no response at all? Because that could also mean it times
out, no? I know it’s not 100% safe, the user also has some
responsibility. Even a typo that resolves could validate, I have some
other ideas for that, but I’d like to take out the 404s, 500s and what

If a domain doesn’t resolve at all you should get an error to that
effect. After that, all depends on your definition of inactive and
valid. For example is a ‘you have successfully installed apache’ page
valid ? Is a domain parking page valid ?
