Doing a SQL sum and getting the result into rails


I am trying to execute the following SQL code and have the result
returned to my application for further proessing…

“select SUM(action) as ‘sum’ from approvals where upload_id = ?”,

I have tried this in a Approval.find_by_sql also as a
Approval.connection.execute, but I can’t seem to get the data back
into rails… How can I access the returned data, which should be a
single number? I tried @points.sum, @points, etc. I want to do some
numerical comparisons on this, so I need the number, and just the

Oh, and action can be any number from -3 to 3, so I can’t just do a

Any ideas?


Approval.sum ‘action’, :conditions => [‘upload_id = ?’,]
should do the trick.

If you go down the road of writing out the sql by hand (not necessary
here, but things aren’t always as simple) then you can use
