Doesn't create my guestbook


I’m having some trouble with my realtions (I think). I’m creating a
guestbook with comments in ajax (the structure resembles the structure
of a blog). So I’ve got a “flogs table” which keeps the “user_id” and
the “id” of the flogs. This table. Then I’ve got a “guestbooks table”
containing “id” of the guestbooks, “flog_id”, “title”, “body”,
“created_at” and “updated_at”. This one does NOT get created, resulting
in (for example) “nil.title”. (guestbook.title)

Then I’ve got a “notes table” containing “id” of the notes, “user_id”,
“guestbook_id”, “body” and “created_at”.

The realtions may be wrong here (at least that is what I suspect
although I can’t see why they wouldn’t).

has_many :notes,
:order => “created_at DESC”,
:dependent => :destroy
has_one :flog

belongs_to :user
has_many :guestbooks, :order => “created_at DESC”

belongs_to :flog
has_many :notes, :order => “created_at”, :dependent => :destroy

belongs_to :user
belongs_to :guestbook

furthermore, even if I manually add content to the table “guestbooks” i
still get the same error…

On 26 May 2008, at 11:20, Dag S. wrote:

in (for example) “nil.title”. (guestbook.title)

Then I’ve got a “notes table” containing “id” of the notes, “user_id”,
“guestbook_id”, “body” and “created_at”.

The realtions may be wrong here (at least that is what I suspect
although I can’t see why they wouldn’t).

You’ve shown us the relations (which appear at least vaguely sane
(although I’m not entirely sure of the point of the flogs tables)) but
not any of the code that is producing the error.


when you render a partial as collection like this:

<%= render :partial => “guestbook/post”, :collection => @guestbooks %>

you can’t access guestbook this way:

values handed to a partial as collection are known within the partial
with the partials name

should work.

Frederick C. wrote:

On 26 May 2008, at 11:20, Dag S. wrote:

in (for example) “nil.title”. (guestbook.title)

Then I’ve got a “notes table” containing “id” of the notes, “user_id”,
“guestbook_id”, “body” and “created_at”.

The realtions may be wrong here (at least that is what I suspect
although I can’t see why they wouldn’t).

You’ve shown us the relations (which appear at least vaguely sane
(although I’m not entirely sure of the point of the flogs tables)) but
not any of the code that is producing the error.


Okay, well, thanks Fred for checking it.

Scratched the flog-table and placed the user_id in the guestbook table
If my relations are right, the fault may be in my Ajax code (and I’m
very newbee to Ajax) so maybe this is what’s wrong.

The main problem being “undefined local variable or method `guestbook’
for #<#Class:0xaada638:0xaada610>”
when it gets the partial _post: “app/views/guestbook/_post.rhtml”

index (presentation)

<%= render :partial => 'header'%> <%= render :partial => 'topmenu'%>

<%= h @spec.full_name.or_else("Your N.") %>'s Presentation

Presentation URL: <%= link_to presentation_for(@user), presentation_for(@user) %>

<%= render :partial => ‘content’%>
<%= render :partial => “friendship/friends”%>
<%= render :partial => “blog”%>
<%= @guestbook_title %>
<%= render :partial => “guestbook/post”, :collection => @guestbooks %>


<%= render :partial => "notes/note", :collection => guestbook.notes %>
<% if logged_in? %>
<%= link_to_remote "Add a comment", :url => new_note_path(guestbook), :method => :get %>
<% end %>


<% if logged_in? and note.authorized?(User.find(session[:user])) %> <%= link_to_remote "(delete)", :url => note_url(note.guestbook, note), :method => :delete, :confirm => 'Are you sure?' %> <% end %>

<%= link_to, presentation_for(note.user) %>
<%= time_ago_in_words note.created_at %> ago:

<%= sanitize note.body %>

I’m getting somewhat confused, is should get the id now (which exists in
my guestbook table). Why does it get a nil? and what does 4 mean?

get this error at the same place in code? (should not, since the partial
is rendered as a collection…)

the 4 is easy: it’s just the default id of the nil object. type
in irb and you get this as result (together with the deprecated warning)

pls post the error message, so we can see in which line it happens.

Thorsten M. wrote:

when you render a partial as collection like this:

<%= render :partial => “guestbook/post”, :collection => @guestbooks %>

you can’t access guestbook this way:

values handed to a partial as collection are known within the partial
with the partials name

should work.

Okay, thanks for explaining that, made a few more changes inside my
partial after that, but now it renders a completely different error

“Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 – if you really wanted
the id of nil, use object_id”

I’m getting somewhat confused, is should get the id now (which exists in
my guestbook table). Why does it get a nil? and what does 4 mean?

Thorsten M. wrote:

get this error at the same place in code? (should not, since the partial
is rendered as a collection…)

Same place in code

the 4 is easy: it’s just the default id of the nil object. type
in irb and you get this as result (together with the deprecated warning)

okay, finally an explaination ;D

pls post the error message, so we can see in which line it happens.

RuntimeError in Presentation#show

Showing app/views/guestbook/_post.rhtml where line #3 raised:

Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 – if you really wanted
the id of nil, use object_id

Extracted source (around line #3):



4: <%= render :partial => “notes/note”, :collection => post.notes %>


Frederick C. wrote:

On 27 May 2008, at 10:53, Dag S. wrote:

the id of nil, use object_id

Extracted source (around line #3):



4: <%= render :partial => “notes/note”, :collection =>
post.notes %>


Sounds like the array you’ve passed to render has a nil in it. How are
you populating it?


presentation_controller, show method (looks the same in the index

@guestbook = @user.guestbook ||=

On 27 May 2008, at 10:53, Dag S. wrote:

the id of nil, use object_id

Extracted source (around line #3):



4: <%= render :partial => “notes/note”, :collection =>
post.notes %>


Sounds like the array you’ve passed to render has a nil in it. How are
you populating it?


@guestbook = @user.guestbook ||=

in this case you get a single ActiveRecord object instead of the list of
search results you would get with for example @guestbook =

to make this run you must use

<%= render :partial => “guestbook/post”, :object => @guestbook %>

(and you mix the plural/singular form of @guestbook, make sure to use
this consistent)

On 27 May 2008, at 11:18, Thorsten M. wrote:

<%= render :partial => “guestbook/post”, :object => @guestbook %>

Or is render :partial => “guestbook/post”, :collection =>

what is intended ?
