Does your shared hosting account work without errors?
I’m interested in both positive and negative reports. If you are
please contribute
name of the hosting service
how long you have used them
your experience (“flawless!”, “it’s crap!”)
You do not need to reply saying your VPS service works great. This is
about shared hosting and I’m trying to understand if it
(Yes, I am trying this again. Responses from my last question veered off
course. Some people did reply with success stories. Thank you.)
My premise is that 1) shared hosting services use apache proxied to
to fastcgi, and 2) with hundreds of users, requiring lots of apache
and 3) periodic errors for visitors to the hosted site.
Lots of downtime, for both web services and email. Server restarts
to be quite common. I’m on Jervis. Generally, I haven’t been too pleased
with the experience. Features are good, reliability bad.
Thanks for the effort… I’m very curious about the results.
No downtime of consequence (I’m on Burnaby). I’ve got several rails
apps or differing sizes across multiple domains there, with no
troubles I can blame on TxD. I develop locally on WinXP and WEBrick,
and upload to TxD for production under Lighttpd. I’ve been very happy
pretty good. Some downtimes, a few of consequence. Some from crashes,
few from hardware problems. I get the idea that there are lots of users
my machine (foothill).
Lots of downtime, for both web services and email. Server restarts
seem to be quite common. I’m on Pendrell. Generally, I haven’t been
too pleased with the experience. Features are good, reliability bad.
Matt W. wrote:
* your experience (“flawless!”, “it’s crap!”)
to lighttpd to fastcgi, and 2) with hundreds of users, requiring
3 apps, ones on Burnaby and Thurlow - minimum downtime,
wonderfully reliable, happy clients. One on Gilford - enormous,
unbearable and embarassing amount of downtime averaging to a server
restart every day or two, with an hour of downtime every time it goes
back up due to the long fsck. Overall experience - “they know their
thing but Rails is unfit for shared hosting as a technology, so no
blame on them”.
I expect any shared hosting provider offering normal level of control
for Rails deployment to accumulate the same problems TextDrive has as
soona s the user base grows big enough.
Very good. I have monitors that check uptime, and they’re better than
There have been a few minor glitches, but their customer service has
been excellent. You’d have to check with them regarding how they set
things up now. My first Rails site there was Apache/fcgi. Now,
everything is proxied to lighttpd, which flat-out rocks.
Kelly F. wrote:
Does your shared hosting account work without errors?
I’m interested in both positive and negative reports. If you are
please contribute
name of the hosting service
how long you have used them
your experience (“flawless!”, “it’s crap!”)
You do not need to reply saying your VPS service works great. This is
about shared hosting and I’m trying to understand if it
(Yes, I am trying this again. Responses from my last question veered off
course. Some people did reply with success stories. Thank you.)
My premise is that 1) shared hosting services use apache proxied to
to fastcgi, and 2) with hundreds of users, requiring lots of apache
and 3) periodic errors for visitors to the hosted site.
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.