Does the long polling module work with nginx 1.0.6?


I am using nginx with the long polling module. When 0.7 something was
new, I compiled nginx with the long polling module and wrote my
application. It ran under Ubuntu for 18 months or so, without problem.

During this time I have not changed the code that handles messages or
startup. In fact, there are only two commits to the VCS.

About a month ago, I recompiled 1.0.6 with the long polling module using
the same script as before. And the application has started to show
intermittent errors.

Can anyone confirm that they are using the long-polling module with
1.0.6 without problems?

The symptom appears to be that if the second person to join the chat
room, does not send a message for 5 minutes and they do not receive one
in this time either, then they get timed out, and never receive a reply
to the read issued after the start-up phase.



Are you referring to the push module? (


On 26/09/2011 21:58, Thomas L. wrote:

Are you referring to the push module? (


Yes - Version 0.69


-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:10:40 +0200
Von: Thomas L. [email protected]
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: Does the long polling module work with nginx 1.0.6?

this server, so it’s insulated from any bad behaviour. I found the

On 26/09/2011 21:58, Thomas L. wrote:
nginx Info Page

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[email protected]
nginx Info Page

or have a look at wandenbergs nginx-push-module, since version 0.3.0
(master branch) it also support long-polling and polling and its under
active develpment.



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We are using the “Substitutions Filter module”
to replace html content in our pages.

Our configuration is :

location /{
subs_filter_types text/html text/xml;
subs_filter ‘’;
subs_filter ‘id=“portal-logo” href=“”’
‘id=“portal-logo” href=“”’;

The first substitution is working, but the second not.
Are we missing something? Is the “space” supported in substitution

Thank you for your help!

Martronic SA

nginx -V
nginx: nginx version: nginx/1.1.4
nginx: built by gcc 4.3.2 (Debian 4.3.2-1.1)
nginx: TLS SNI support enabled
nginx: configure arguments: --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
–error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --pid-path=/var/run/
–with-http_dav_module --http-client-body-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/body

Can you show me your source page?


2011/9/27 Martronic SA [email protected]

I put the push module into production for a while a few months ago and
suffered intermittent segfaults. It also has a couple of design
limitations that were problematic in my case. It doesn’t seem to be
under active development, so I doubt these issues will be fixed any
time soon.

But I wonder whether the module isn’t a poor solution architecturally,
in any case. I eventually dropped it and implemented long-polling in a
Node.js script. This turned out to be almost trivial – far faster
than trying to fix the module. Nginx is set up as a reverse proxy to
this server, so it’s insulated from any bad behaviour. I found the
stability and ease of maintenance of this design easily worth the
extra ~50 MB and CPU cycles.


full source attachment


      <div style="position:relative; display: block" 

class=“bando.jpg carousel-banner selected”>

      <div style="display: none" id="carousel-banner-1" 


    <span class="bandeauTopLeft"></span>

    <span class="bandeauTopRight"></span>
    <span class="bandeauBottomLeft"></span>
    <span class="bandeauBottomRight"></span>

The first substitution is working, but the second not.
nginx: configure arguments: --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.**conf

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It works in my box. Can you show me your debug log?

Do’t use this in the production server. The debug log will be very

2011/9/28 Martronic SA [email protected]

Sorry. I can’t find any log from my substitutions module in your debug

And I find the possible problem. The response from backend server is
gzipped. You can compress the response with Nginx’s gzip module.

You should disable the gzipped response from backend server, like this:

proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding “”;

2011/9/29 Martronic SA [email protected]

2011/9/29 Ҧΰ [email protected]:

Sorry. I can’t find any log from my substitutions module in your debug log.
And I find the possible problem. The response from backend server is

Maybe we could check the Content-Encoding response header
automatically in ngx_subs and if it’s gzip/deflate, just issue a
warning to error.log by default? :wink:


Maybe the documentation of the module should be completed to notify
this problem.


Martronic SA

Le 29.09.2011 18:08, agentzh a crit :


thank you very much for your help.
yes it was the gzip problematic.
maitenent it works great


Yes, You are right. I’ll add this to the documents. There will be too
error log if I add this for each request.

2011930 4:52Martronic SA [email protected]д

2011/10/8 Ҧΰ [email protected]:

Yes, You are right. I’ll add this to the documents. There will be too much
error log if I add this for each request.

You can just log at the debug level maybe? :wink:


Thanks. I have added the log. Hope this can be helpful.

2011108 10:45agentzh [email protected]д