Does String#encode in Ruby 1.9.2 have option :fallback?

My Ruby version is: ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]

I find in the installer’s help file that String#encode has an option

:fallback Sets the replacement string by the hash for undefined
character. Its key is a such undefined character encoded in source
encoding of current transcoder. Its value can be any encoding until it
can be converted into the destination encoding of the transcoder. has the same explanation:

However I can’t make it effective in my code:

replace_hash = {“\u4ced”=>“x”,“\u4cd2”=>“y”}
ARGF.each_line do |line|
puts line.encode(“gbk”, :undef => :replace, :fallback => replace_hash)

and I found in this article
(Ruby Buzz Forum - From Iconv#iconv to String#encode), which
said :fallback is new feature in Ruby 1.9.3
I am confused. Can I use :fallback option in latest Ruby 1.9.2p180?


You can use :fallback option on ruby 1.9.2.
I think you must not set :undef option when you use :fallback option.

example on ruby 1.9.2p180

U+3042 is a Japanese character, and it cant express in US-ASCII

“\u3042”.encode( Encoding::US_ASCII, fallback: { “\u3042” => ‘a’ } )
#=> “a”

I want to do this, but failed. It seems :fallback cannot be a dynamic

No, it can’t on ruby 1.9.2p180…
However, this feature has been requested and was accepted [1],
so you can use this feature on ruby 1.9.3dev!

[1] Backport #4125: String#encode(:fallback) should accept default handler - Backport192 - Ruby Issue Tracking System (Japanese)

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3dev (2011-04-24 trunk 31329) [x86_64-linux]

$ irb
ruby-head :001 > h ={ ‘a’ }
=> {}
ruby-head :002 > “\u3042”.encode Encoding::ASCII, fallback: h
=> “a”

Y. NOBUOKA wrote in post #994739:

No, it can’t on ruby 1.9.2p180…
However, this feature has been requested and was accepted [1],

Quite a good feature!

Thank you!


Y. NOBUOKA wrote in post #994724:


You can use :fallback option on ruby 1.9.2.
I think you must not set :undef option when you use :fallback option.

example on ruby 1.9.2p180

U+3042 is a Japanese character, and it cant express in US-ASCII

“\u3042”.encode( Encoding::US_ASCII, fallback: { “\u3042” => ‘a’ } )
#=> “a”

Thank you! It works.

Is there any tricky skill about the :fallback?

str = “\u4ced\u9d12”
#replace_hash = {"\u4ced"=>“x”}
replace_hash = {|hash,key| “[#{key.ord}]”}
print str.encode(“gbk”, fallback: replace_hash)

I want to do this, but failed. It seems :fallback cannot be a dynamic