Does NginxMailAuthModule support multiple http_auth servers now

Hey, I’m deploying my mail server and use nginx as the mail proxy. I
tend to use multiple http_auth servers to balance the load. Can I write
multiple “http_auth” directives? Or can I use a upstream block to
indicate those servers?

Many thanks.

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 05:50:19AM -0400, speedfirst wrote:

Hey, I’m deploying my mail server and use nginx as the mail proxy. I
tend to use multiple http_auth servers to balance the load. Can I write
multiple “http_auth” directives? Or can I use a upstream block to
indicate those servers?


Usual aproach is to configure http in the same nginx and
proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/whatever with appropriate balancing and
redundancy, e.g.

mail {

http {
upstream auth-backends {
server …
server …

server {

    location = /mailauth {
        proxy_pass http://auth-backends;


Maxim D.